Only run dishwashers and washing machines when full.
Potential savings:
15-45 gal/load of clothes
5-15 gal/load of dishes
Irrigate only in the early morning or evening. Irrigating when temperatures are cooler helps prevent water loss due to evaporation.
Potential savings:
1,000+ gal/year
Limit showers to 5 minutes or less.
Potential savings:
12.5 gal/shower
View your hourly water use in the Water Customer Portal and look for spikes in water usage, which may indicate a leak.
Potential savings:
110 gal/month
Low-flow faucet aerators and showerheads may be picked up for free at Hayward City Hall (by appointment only).
Discounted Price: $100 + tax
(MSRP $279)
Calculates how long to run your sprinklers, automatically adjusts for weather, and enables you to control your sprinklers from your mobile device.
Rebate: $0.25 - $0.75 per sqft
Provides rebates to approved customers who convert water-thirsty lawns into water-efficient landscapes.
Rebate: $50 per barrel
Offers rebates on up to two rain barrels per single family home, or four per multifamily/commercial account.
Using water wisely is critical -- drought or not. Brush up on Hayward's year-round water waste regulations at the button below.