Incentives & Resources
Sewer Connection Fees
The City of Hayward is able to offer a payment schedule up to 120 months for sewer connection fees in excess of $25,000. For more information contact the Public Works Department at (510) 583-4722.
Employment Training Panel
The ETP provides funding for training plans created by requesting businesses. ETP staff is available to assist in applying for funds and other aspects of participation.
New Employment Credit
The State of California Franchise Tax Board awards employment tax credits to businesses to stimulate targeted sector economic growth in areas of high unemployment and high poverty. Businesses must meet certain criteria in order to be eligible for a tax credit including location in specific areas, operation in select industries, and size limits.
To learn more about the program please check the FAQ section on the CA State website.
GoBiz California Income Tax Credit
For businesses that want to move to California or expand in California. FAQ »
Industrial Development Bond
Tax-exempt IDBs are for manufacturing businesses. They provide comparable financing alternatives to small and medium-sized manufacturing companies that are normally not able to secure national credit markets because of their small debt requirement and lack of bond rating.
Contact Keith Sutton at 510.272.3885 or or
StopWaste Revolving Loan Program
StopWaste can provide flexible financing options for businesses engaged in activities that utilize reused or recycled materials including: expanding recycled, salvaged or reusable materials business, incorporating recycled materials in manufacturing processes, and purchasing recycling equipment such as shredders, balers or compactors.
Contact Meri Soll 510.891.6500 or or
EB-5 Immigrant Investor
EB-5 is an employment-based immigration policy that permits non-citizen entrepreneurs to invest in new job creating enterprises in exchange for expedited permanent resident immigration status. Contact the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development for more information.
Alameda County Workforce Development Board
The goal of the Alameda County Workforce Investment Board is to help local businesses develop a strong workforce through a demand driven and comprehensive approach to train, sustain and enhance future and existing workers.