
Your one-stop-shop for key city documents and reports:
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) are interim and annual financial and management reports prepared in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to demonstrate fiscal and operational accountability.

Annual Report - #HaywardForward

Annual Report - #HaywardForward is the new public information project of the City Hayward. It is the place, channel and social media hashtag at and through which we are going to be telling, sharing and archiving the news and progress we are making as a City and Community.

Bike & Pedestrian Master Plan

The 2020 Bike & Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP) replaces and builds on the City’s original 2007 Bicycle Master Plan with its inclusion of pedestrian-centered facilities and extensive public input. The new plan recommends a total of 153 miles of new bicycle facilities, including 32 miles of multi-use paths for both pedestrians and cyclists.

Budget Documents

On the Budget Documents page you will find copies of the City’s Operating Budget, the General Fund Ten-Year Plan Update, financial statements related to City measures and programs, and Actuarial Valuations.

Building Documents

On the Building Documents page you will find building & permit documents available for you to download, complete and submit to the Permit Center as you work through the steps of your building project.

Capital Improvement Program

The City’s Capital Improvement Program funds public infrastructure projects to enhance the quality of life for Hayward residents and visitors.

Climate Action Plan

Through the development and implementation of thisClimate Action Plan (CAP) Hayward will enhance the community’s wellbeing and continue taking actions intended to limit the impacts of climate change. The following is a high-level executive summary of GHG emissions levels, projected GHG emissions levels, established emissions targets, and GHG reduction measures for Hayward to achieve the City’s adopted targets.

Community Development Block Grant

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program provides communities with Federal resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs. Find documents related to this program here.

Community Facilities District reports

The Community Facilities District Reports (CFD) Community Facilities District (CFD) Report provide detailed financial and operational information about a Community Facilities District, which is a special tax district to fund public infrastructure and services..

Economic Development Strategic Plan

The City’s Economic Development Strategic Plan lays the groundwork for targeted business attraction, branding & marketing activities, and the development of key catalyst and opportunity sites throughout the city.

Food Action Plan

The City’s Food Action Planis a roadmap for an equitable, sustainable, and resilient local food system that supports healthy, vibrant communities. The goal of the plan is to help Hayward’s non-profit and educational partners develop a list of action steps to close service gaps in Hayward.

Hayward 2040 General Plan

The City’s Hayward 2040 General Planis a comprehensive planning document that provides a city or county with a policy framework to guide decision-making related to land use, growth and development, safety, and open space conservation.

Investment Reports

Investment Reports: It is the policy of the City of Hayward to invest public funds not required for immediate day-to-day operations in safe and liquid investments with maturities under five years, in conformance with the California state statutes governing the investment of public funds. Investments are intended to achieve a reasonable rate of return while minimizing the potential for capital losses arising from market changes or issuer default.

Master Fee Schedule

The Master Fee Schedule contains all fees and charges attached to city services delivered by each City department.

Monthly Building Permit Activity Report

The Monthly Building Permit Activity Report contains information on how many permits have been issued, their fees, and to which residents and/or business they have been issued to.

Planning Documents

On the Planning Documents page you will find the Hayward General Plan, along with the Hayward Mission Boulevard Corridor Form-Based Code and 16 Neighborhood Plans.

State of the City

On the State of the City page you will find an update on the City of Hayward's progress meeting the opportunities and challenges of the day and a look forward into the future.

Strategic Roadmap

On the Strategic Roadmap page you will find six core priorities required to achieve to achieve our shared Hayward vision for 2024. To advance each priority, we developed key projects, named responsible departments, and created a timeline. The priorities also inform budgetary and staffing decisions.