Solid Waste Diversion Rate
The chart below displays Hayward's Solid Waste Diversion Rate from 1990 to today. The Diversion Rate is the amount of trash that is recycled.
State law mandates that, beginning in calendar year 2000 and each year thereafter, all municipalities divert from landfill at least 50% of all waste generated. Pursuant to Measure D, a County Charter initiative amendment passed in 1990, the Alameda County Recycling Board of the Alameda County Waste Management Authority set 2010 as the date by which Alameda County would strive to achieve a 75% diversion rate. Council adopted a 75% diversion goal in 2007. Additionally, State law AB 341 established a 75% goal by 2020.
When the Hayward City Council approved the current Franchise Agreement with Waste Management of Alameda County (WMAC) in January 2015, the City set a goal of reaching 80% diversion by 2018.