Hayward City Council to consider appointment to fill City Council vacancy
The Hayward City Council tonight is scheduled to consider options for filling the City Council seat vacated by former City Councilmember Elisa Márquez with her April 4 appointment to the position of Alameda County District 2 Supervisor.
Under the City Charter, the Council can appoint someone to a vacated seat by a majority vote of its members. If an appointment is not made within 30 days of a vacancy, a special election is held to name a new Councilmember to complete the term of the vacant seat.
Only registered voters of the City of Hayward are qualified for appointment or election to the Hayward City Council.
On Jan. 9, the Council completed an extensive application and review process to fill a Council vacancy by appointing then- Planning Commissioner Dan Goldstein to complete the term of office of the seat vacated by Councilmember Mark Salinas with his election and swearing as Hayward Mayor.
If the Council decides to fill its new vacancy by appointment, City Manager Kelly McAdoo, City Attorney Michael Lawson and City Clerk Miriam Lens have jointly recommended Councilmembers chose from the three remaining finalists from its January process. Those finalists are Hayward Community Services Commissioners Artavia Berry and Austin Bruckner, and Planning Commissioner Ray Bonilla.