Advisories, City Government

Changing local media landscape and public notices

March 24, 2016

Effective April 5, The Hayward Daily Review will change from a daily to a weekly newspaper running legal ads on Fridays.  The law that requires a public hearing to be held also generally includes the requirement for providing notice of the public hearing.  Below is a list of most legal notices that are published in the newspaper of general circulation in Hayward, which is The Daily Review.  
  • Annual Budget
  • Master Fee Schedule Updates
  • Appeals to the City Council
  • Adoption of Ordinances
  • Text Amendments to Zoning Ordinance
  • Amendments to the General Plan and Specific Plan
  • Adoption of Water/Sewer Fees
  • Annual CDBG and Social Services Grant Funding Recommendations
  • CEQA-Consideration of Draft EIR and Adoption of Negative Declaration/Mitigated Negative Declaration
  • TEFRA Hearing:  Tax Equalization and Fiscal Responsibility of 1982
The law also requires certain notices to be published in the newspaper of general circulation in Hayward, such as:
  • Election Notices
  • Notices to Contractors
  • Public Auction

Please note that each of these legal notices will now be available in the new Friday Daily Review.