HAZ-12: Evacuation Preparedness and Coordination

The City shall convene interdepartmentally coordinated evacuation preparedness activities on an annual basis, including evacuation route maintenance, annual hazard-based evacuation scenario trainings, and measures to assist vulnerable populations and neighborhoods. [Source: New Program; City Staff] (CSO, IGC, MPSP) 

Goals Implemented: HAZ-5.9, HAZ-8.1, HAZ-8.2, HAZ-8.3, HAZ-8.4, HAZ-8.5, HAZ-8.5, HAZ-8.6, HAZ-8.7, HAZ-8.8, HAZ-8.9, HAZ-8.10, HAZ-8.11 
Responsible Department(s): Fire
Funding Sources: General Fund
Start Date: 1/30/2024
End Date: 12/31/2040


Hazards Element Implementation Programs