Affordable Housing

Hayward’s Inclusionary Housing Program requires that all new residential development projects containing two or more net new dwelling units, or lots comply to the affordable housing requirements outlined in the Affordable Housing Ordinance (17-20 (AHO) articulated in Chapter 10, Article 17 of the Hayward Municipal Code. This ordinance was adopted on June 17, 2003, and most recently amended on April 11, 2023. Housing developers of new residential development projects can attain compliance through the following methods:

  1. Paying an affordable housing in-lieu fees.
  2. Including on-site affordable units.
  3. Constructing off-site affordable units with approval.
  4. Proposing alternative solutions accepted by the Decision-Making Body.

Details on each of these compliance methods are available in Section 10-17.205 of the ordinance. The table below presents the current income limits, effective May 9, 2024, for Alameda County, adjusted per household size as published by the State Department of Housing and Community Development.

2024 State Income Limits Adjusted per Household Size

Number of Persons in Household:
Alameda County Area Median Income: $155,700
Acutely Low$16,350$18,700$21,000$23,350$25,200$27,100$28,950$30,800
Extremely Low$32,700$37,400$42,050$46,700$50,450$54,200$57,950$61,650
Very Low Income$54,500$62,300$70,100$77,850$84,100$90,350$96,550$102,800
Low Income$84,600$96,650$108,750$120,800$130,500$140,150$149,800$159,500
Median Income$109,000$124,550$140,150$155,700$168,150$180,600$193,050$205,500
Moderate Income$130,800$149,500$168,150$186,850$201,800$216,750$231,700$246,650

Local Tenant Preference Policy

Hayward Municipal Code Chapter 10, Article 17, Affordable Housing Ordinance, contains a local tenant preference policy as outlined in HMC Section 10-17.805, Selection Criteria. See link to the Affordable Housing Ordinance in Quick Links below.