Each category of hangar (Small T-hangar, Standard T-hangar, Large T-hangar, Executive Hangar) has a dedicated waiting list, and a $150 deposit is required to hold your spot on any size hangar wait list. The deposit is refundable at any time, and applicants often use the deposit to pay for hangar fees when they execute a hangar agreement.
There are no hangars currently available, but we encourage you to apply to be placed on a waiting list. Use the links to the right for information, applications, and policies regarding the waiting lists for all our hangars.
To add your name to the bottom of a waiting list:
Print the application.
Complete the application with both your home and work information, choose which wait list(s) you want to join in the middle of the form, and then sign and date it.
Return this application to us with payment for the deposit(s). The payment can be in the form of cash (exact change only) or by check made payable to The City of Hayward.