Library Unattended Children Policy

Children and Teens at Hayward Public Library

We are committed to providing inviting spaces for children and teens. Children and teens have designated areas at our libraries for individual and group activities that meet their unique needs.

Children's areas are designed and reserved for the use of those under 18 and their caregivers. Teen areas may only be used by customers 13-17 years old or those still in high school. Anyone over 18 may only visit these spaces to use the collection, seek assistance from library staff, or attend a program with staff's approval.

Unattended Children

It is the responsibility of parents and guardians to ensure their children's safety, welfare, and appropriate behavior while in the Library and on Library grounds. Library staff is not responsible for the direct supervision, safety or welfare of any child.

Children under the age of 6 may not be left unattended by an adult in any part of the library, including areas designated for children. A parent, guardian, or responsible caretaker must always remain within visual and touching distance from their child, including remaining in the room during storytime or other programs.

Children ages 6-9 must always have a caregiver over the age of 14 in the building. The caregiver is responsible for the safety, behavior and supervision of the children in their care while at the library.

Children ages 10 and up may visit the library unattended by an adult, but should not be left alone for extended periods of time. Children should have a cellphone or other method to contact a parent or guardian in case of emergency.

Caregivers must pick children up at least 5 minutes before the library's posted closing time. If a child is alone at closing time, the staff will attempt to call the parent, legal guardian, or designated caregiver. If a caregiver cannot be reached, staff will contact local law enforcement officials to assume responsibility for the child.