LU-11: Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor Plan

Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor Plan.  The City shall develop and adopt a specific plan or master plan for the Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor.    [Source: New Program; City Staff] (MPSP) 

Goals Implemented: ED-1.3, ED-1.15, ED-1.16, ED-6.2, ED-6.9, EDL-1.4, LU-1.9, LU-6.1, LU-6.2, LU-6.3, LU-6.4, LU-6.5, LU-6.6, LU-6.7, LU-6.8 
Responsible Department: Development Services
Funding Source: General Fund, Grants
Start Date: 7/01/2014
End Date: 12/31/2040

Land Use & Community Character Element Implementation Programs