Mobility Element

Mobility, defined as the ability to move people and goods within and through a city or region, greatly affects a community’s economy, environment, and overall quality of life. When mobility networks are overburdened and inefficient, communities can fail to live up to their full potential, and the economy and overall quality of life can suffer. Time is lost in traffic congestion, businesses are less efficient and less profitable, energy resources are wasted, and air quality and natural resources are degraded. In contrast, efficient and convenient mobility networks, when combined with compatible land use patterns, have the potential to increase economic efficiency, reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and improve community health and quality of life.
The Mobility Element establishes goals and policies to improve the mobility of people and goods within and through the city of Hayward. Rather than focusing on automobile transportation, the Mobility Element seeks to create a balanced transportation network that supports and encourages walking, bicycling, and transit ridership. The goals and policies address a variety of topics, including multimodal transportation, regional coordination, complete streets, local circulation, pedestrian facilities, bikeways, public transit, transportation demand management, parking, aviation, goods movement, and transportation funding. A number of the goals and policies also serve as Climate Action Plan actions, which are designed to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions.
The goals and policies in the Mobility Element are interrelated with several of the Land Use and Community Character goals and policies, particularly as they relate to the City’s s (areas served by regional transit) and the creation of complete, walkable, and transit-oriented neighborhoods, corridors, and districts. The Community Health and Quality of Life Element also has supporting policies related to walking and bicycling.
The Mobility Element is divided into two sections. The first section provides an overview of the Transportation Diagrams. The Transportation Diagrams shows the transportation network that are planned to serve the future land uses within the City. The Transportation Diagram is closely aligned with the Land Use Diagram provided in the Land Use and Community Character Element. The second section of the Element contains the mobility goals and policies.
Transportation Diagrams
The transportation networks that are planned to serve the future land uses within the city are identified in the following figures:
- Figure M-1: Planned Roadway Network: This figure identifies the network of existing and proposed freeways, highways, and arterial streets that are planned to serve the future land uses within the city.
- Figure M-2: Planned Bicycle Network: This figure identifies the network of existing and proposed bike paths, bike lanes, and bike routes that are planned to serve the future land uses within the city.
- Figure M-3: Planned Transit and Passenger Rail Network: This figure identifies the network of existing and proposed bus, BART, and passenger rail (AMTRAK) stations and routes that are planned to serve the future land uses within the city.
- Figure M-4: Planned Trucking and Freight Rail Network: This figure identifies the network of existing and proposed truck routes and freight rail lines that are planned to serve the future land uses within the city.
Mobility Goals:
Goal M-1: Provide a comprehensive, integrated, and connected network of transportation facilities and services for all modes of travel.
The transportation system in Hayward serves both regional and local travel needs across a broad spectrum of modes. A multimodal approach to transportation is intended to create an integrated transportation and circulation system that allows for opportunities to travel by any mode of travel (e.g., walking, bicycling, transit, and automobiles) to reach key destinations in a community and region safely and directly.
Multimodal approaches to transportation have multiple benefits. They can lead to safer travel for all roadway users. They can improve health by allowing people to walk or bicycle or take transit. These travel modes promote active lifestyles and reduce automobile-related emissions and pollution. Finally, they can provide options and increase mobility for people who cannot or do not drive.
Policies in this section guide the overall provision for a balanced multi-modal system of transportation facilities and services in Hayward. This multi-modal system includes the roadway, which serves automobiles, trucks, public transit, and bicycles, as well as pedestrian ways, such as sidewalks and trails, to serve all users of the public right-of-way. Policies in subsequent sections of this Element address specific facilities, travel modes, and programs and contribute to the improvement of the city’s roadways into a multimodal transportation network, from the development of complete streets (Goal 3); to improved pedestrian, biking, and transit options (Goals 5, 6, and 7); to the implementation of Transportation Demand Management strategies (Goal 8).
M-1.1: Transportation System:
The City shall provide a safe and efficient transportation system for the movement of people, goods, and services through, and within Hayward.
M-1.2: Multimodal Choices:
The City shall promote development of an integrated, multi-modal transportation system that offers desirable choices among modes including pedestrian ways, public transportation, roadways, bikeways, rail, and aviation.
M-1.3: Multimodal Connections:
The City shall implement a multimodal system that connects residents to activity centers throughout the city, such as commercial centers and corridors, employment centers, transit stops/stations, the airport, schools, parks, recreation areas, and other attractions.
M-1.4: Multimodal System Extensions:
The City shall require all new development that proposes or is required to construct or extend streets to develop a transportation network that complements and contributes to the city’s multimodal system, maximizes connections, and minimizes barriers to connectivity.
M-1.5: Flexible LOS Standards:
The City shall consider flexible Level of Service(LOS) standards, as part of a multimodal system approach, for projects that increase transit-ridership, biking, and walking in order to reduce air pollution, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions.
Level of Service—Level of Service (LOS) is a method of evaluating traffic congestion. A LOS of A represents free flowing traffic, and a LOS of F represents severe traffic congestion with substantial delays. In general, the strict enforcement of LOS standards has forced cities to make transportation improvements that favor automobiles and hurt other modes of transportation. For example, a city may be forced to widen an intersection and eliminate pedestrian crosswalks to achieve a minimum LOS standard. While this improves traffic flow for vehicles, it ultimately discourages walking. Adopting a more flexible LOS approach allows cities to consider other modes of transportation when evaluating traffic impacts and making roadway improvements
M-1.6: Bicycling, Walking & Transit Amenities:
The City shall encourage the development of facilities and services, (e.g., secure term bicycle parking, street lights, street furniture and trees, transit stop benches and shelters, and street sweeping of bike lanes) that enable bicycling, walking, and transit use to become more widely used modes of transportation and recreation.
M-1.7: Eliminate Gaps:
The City shall strive to create a more comprehensive multimodal transportation system by eliminating “gaps” in roadways, bikeways, and pedestrian networks, increasing transit access in underserved areas, and removing natural and man-made barriers to accessibility and connectivity.
M-1.8: Transportation Choices:
The City shall provide leadership in educating the community about the availability and benefits of using alternative transportation modes.
Goal M-2: Connect Hayward to regional and adjacent communities’ transportation networks and reduce the impacts of regional through traffic in Hayward.
Hayward is located in central Alameda County at the crossroads of several regional transportation facilities necessitating coordination with neighboring jurisdictions and sharing regional through traffic on local streets. The city is a major cross road for key interstate highways (I-238, I-580 and I-880), and State highways (SR 92, and SR 185). In addition, two BART lines (Fremont-Richmond and Fremont-Daly City/Millbrae) serve the city, with a 3rd line (East Dublin/Pleasanton-SFO Airport) operating just north of the city, and Amtrak service connects the city via a station nearby downtown to Sacramento and San Jose.
Policies in this section focus on the regional transportation context. With a significant portion of traffic volume on its local streets attributable to regional through traffic, these policies seek to must coordinate with adjacent communities as well as county, regional, and state agencies to address local traffic congestion, provide access to regional transit systems, and connect the city’s transportation facilities to adjacent and regional systems.
M-2.1: Regional Coordination:
The City shall continue to coordinate its transportation planning with regional agencies (Caltrans, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, and Alameda County Transportation Commission) and adjoining jurisdictions.
M-2.2: Regional Plans:
The City shall support regional and countywide transportation plans (e.g., Plan Bay Area, Countywide Transportation Plan) that make alternatives to automobile use a transportation-system priority.
M-2.3: Multi-Jurisdictional Transportation Corridors:
The City shall work with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Caltrans, BART, AC Transit, and adjacent communities to improve city roadways, pedestrian ways, bicycle facilities, and transit corridors to connect with neighboring and regional transportation networks and contribute to a regional multimodal transportation system.
M-2.4: Regional Transit Options:
The City shall work with adjacent communities, AC Transit, BART, and Amtrak to assess transit options and provide facilities and services that efficiently move local and regional transit riders through Hayward.
M-2.5: Regional Traffic Impacts:
The City shall review and comment on development applications in Alameda County and adjoining cities which may impact Hayward's transportation systems, and shall suggest solutions to reduce negative effects on local circulation and mobility.
Goal M-3: Provide complete streets that balance the diverse needs of users of the public right-of-way.
“Complete streets” are streets designed and constructed to serve all users of streets, roads, and highways, regardless of their age or ability, or whether they are driving, walking, bicycling, or taking transit. Careful planning and coordinated development of complete streets infrastructure can provide long-term cost savings for the City by reducing road construction, repair and maintenance costs and expanding the tax base; it can improve public health by encouraging active lifestyles and improving roadway safety; it can provide economic benefits to property owners and businesses; and it can decreases pollution. In 2013 the City adopted a Complete Streets Policy, which implements the California Complete Streets Act (AB 1358, 2008) and requirements adopted by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (Resolution 4035) and Alameda County Transportation Commission (Master Program Funding Agreement) that require the development complete streets in order receive transportation infrastructure funding.
Policies in this section, as well as the goals and policies in other sections of this Mobility Element, support the City’s Complete Streets Policy through the development of a well-balanced, connected, safe, and convenient network of complete streets that are designed and constructed to serve all modes (e.g., driving, walking, bicycling, or taking transit) and all users, regardless of their age or ability. Policies also seek to connect, balance, and prioritize transportation modes based on surrounding uses, activities, and right-of-way allowances; integrate different types of facilities into existing streets to make them more complete; and plan and design new streets to create complete streets.
M-3.1: Serving All Users:
The City shall provide safe, comfortable, and convenient travel along and across streets to serve all users, including pedestrians, the disabled, bicyclists, and motorists, movers of commercial goods, and users and operators of public transportation.
M-3.2: Non-Auto Needs:
The City shall consider the needs of transit riders, pedestrians, people in wheelchairs, cyclists, and others in long-range planning and street design.
M-3.3: Balancing Needs:
The City shall balance the needs of all travel modes when planning transportation improvements and managing transportation use in the public right-of-way.
M-3.4: Routine Practices:
The City shall continue to work towards making complete streets practices (e.g., considering and accommodating all users and all modes within the appropriate context) a routine part of everyday transportation decision-making.
M-3.5: All Projects and Phases:
The City shall incorporate appropriate complete streets infrastructure into transportation planning, funding, design, approval, and implementation processes and projects.
M-3.6: Context Sensitive:
The City shall consider the land use and urban design context of adjacent properties in both residential and business districts as well as urban, suburban, and rural areas when designing complete streets.
M-3.7: Development Review:
The City shall consider the needs of all transportation users in the review of development proposals to ensure on-site and off-site transportation facility improvements complement existing and planned land uses.
M-3.8: Connections with New Development:
The City shall ensure that new commercial and residential development projects provide frequent and direct connections to the nearest bikeways, pedestrian ways, and transit facilities.
M-3.9: Private Complete Streets:
The City shall encourage large private developments (e.g., office parks, apartment complexes, retail centers) to provide internal complete streets that connect to the existing public roadway system and provide a seamless transition to existing and planned transportation facilities.
M-3.10: Motorists, Bicyclists, & Pedestrian Conflicts:
The City shall develop safe and convenient bikeways and pedestrian crossings that reduce conflicts between pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicles on streets, multi-use trails, and sidewalks.
M-3.11: Adequate Street Tree Canopy:
The City shall ensure that all new roadway projects and major reconstruction projects provide for the development of an adequate street tree canopy.
M-3.12: Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance:
The City shall continue to implement the Americans with Disabilities Act when designing, constructing, or improving transportation facilities.
Goal M-4: Enhance and maintain local access and circulation, while protecting neighborhoods from through traffic.
The existing streets and highways serve many different functions as presented in the hierarchy of street classifications. The average daily traffic (ADT) volume roadways provide an indication of the key corridors serving both regional through traffic and local access.
The City defines its streets by functional classifications, creating a hierarchy of streets and highways that range from regional-serving, limited access freeways, such Interstate 880, to local streets that primarily provide access to abutting properties. Local access and circulation effects not only vehicular travel, but also walking, biking, and transit. Local access and circulation for all modes include managing the roadway system to improve traffic flow, while protecting the neighborhoods from through traffic.
Policies in this section support maintaining necessary quality of service to meet the local access and circulation needs of existing and future residents and businesses. The vehicle level of service (LOS) standard allows for planned growth in downtown and multimodal districts.
M-4.1: Traffic Operations:
The City shall strive to address traffic operations, including traffic congestion, intersection delays, and travel speeds, while balancing neighborhood safety concerns.
M-4.2: Roadway Network Development:
The City shall develop a roadway network that categorizes streets according to function and type as shown on the Circulation Diagram and considering surrounding land use context.
M-4.3: Level of Service:
The City shall maintain a minimum vehicle Level of Service E at signalized intersections during the peak commute periods except when a LOS F may be acceptable due to costs of mitigation or when there would be other unacceptable impacts, such as right-of-way acquisition or degradation of the pedestrian environment due to increased crossing distances or unacceptable crossing delays.
M-4.4: System Management:
The City shall encourage alternatives to road construction and expansion (e.g., adaptive signals and coordinated signals) as necessary for improving traffic flows.
M-4.5: Emergency Access:
The City shall develop a roadway system that is redundant (i.e., includes multiple alternative routes) to the extent feasible to ensure mobility in the event of emergencies.
M-4.6: Transit Arterials:
The City shall consider improvements, on arterials with transit service to preserve bus operating speeds.
M-4.7: Neighborhood Traffic Calming:
The City shall continue to evaluate circulation patterns and implement appropriate traffic-calming measures to prevent speeding in neighborhoods.
M-4.8: Priority Development Areas:
The City shall improve access to and circulation within the Downtown City Center, Cannery Transit Neighborhood, South Hayward BART Mixed-Use Corridor and Urban Neighborhood, and Mission Boulevard Mixed-Use Corridor Priority Development Areas, consistent with adopted plans.
Goal M-5: Provide a universally accessible, safe, convenient, and integrated pedestrian system that promotes walking.
The city is served by a network of pedestrian facilities that include sidewalks, paths, and recreational trails. Walking is the most basic form of transportation and is an important part of healthy and active lifestyles. In Hayward, with its temperate climate, extensive transit services, and many activity centers, walking is used for both transportation and recreation.
However, the level of pedestrian activity is influenced by surrounding land use and urban design. People are more likely to walk in mixed-use communities with higher population densities, diverse land uses, and transit-friendly design.
Policies in this section support the goal of making Hayward a more pedestrian-friendly city. Safe, walkable environments will be created through the provision of a continuous pedestrian network with sidewalks that are enjoyable places to walk. Residents will be encouraged to integrate walking into their daily activities to promote a healthier lifestyle and improve energy resource conservation goals.
The Public Facilities and Services Element and Community Health and Quality of Life Element include goals and policies related to the walking and the city’s trails and open space corridors.
M-5.1: Pedestrian Needs:
The City shall consider pedestrian needs, including appropriate improvements to crosswalks, signal timing, signage, and curb ramps, in long-range planning and street design.
M-5.2: Pedestrian System:
The City shall strive to create and maintain a continuous system of connected sidewalks, pedestrian paths, creekside walks, and utility greenways throughout the city that facilitates convenient and safe pedestrian travel, connects neighborhoods and centers, and is free of major impediments and obstacles.
M-5.3: Access to Transit:
The City shall enhance and maintain sidewalk and other pedestrian improvements for access to key transit stops and stations for seniors and other persons with special needs.
M-5.4: Sidewalk Design:
The City shall require that sidewalks, wherever possible, be developed at sufficient width to accommodate pedestrians including the disabled; a buffer separating pedestrians from the street and curbside parking; amenities; and allow for outdoor uses such as cafes.
M-5.5: Streetscape Design:
The City shall require that pedestrian-oriented streets be designed and maintained to provide a pleasant environment for walking including shade trees; plantings; well-designed benches, trash receptacles, and other furniture; pedestrian-scaled lighting fixtures; wayfinding signage; integrated transit shelters; public art; and other amenities.
M-5.6: Safe Pedestrian Crossings:
The City shall strive to improve pedestrian safety at intersections and mid-block locations by providing safe, well-marked pedestrian crossings, bulb-outs, or median refuges that reduce crossing widths, and/or audio sound warnings.
M-5.7: Safe. Sidewalks:
The City shall develop safe and convenient pedestrian facilities that are universally accessible, adequately illuminated, and properly designed to reduce conflicts between motor vehicles and pedestrians.
M-5.8: Parking Facility Design:
The City shall ensure that new automobile parking facilities are designed to facilitate safe and convenient pedestrian access, including clearly defined internal corridors and walkways connecting parking areas with buildings and adjacent sidewalks and transit stops and adequate lighting.
Goal M-6: Create and maintain a safe, comprehensive, and integrated bicycle system and support facilities throughout the city that encourage bicycling that is accessible to all.
The city is served by a network of designated bicycle facilities including on-street facilities and regional recreational trails. Combined with good transit service, temperate weather, and relatively flat topography, bicycling in Hayward is an effective transportation and recreation option. Bicycle activity and purpose differ by geographic General Plan Policy Document Mobility areas in Hayward with more utilitarian bicycle trips occurring on on-street bikeways in the flatlands, while recreational bicyclists use the Bayland trails and experienced cyclists climb the steeper roads and trails in the Hill Area.
While bicyclists are permitted on all roads (with the exception of access-controlled freeways), the City recognizes that certain roadways provide more optimal routes for bicyclists, for reasons such as directness or access to key destinations.
Policies in this section support an increase in trips taken by bicycling and implementation of the Hayward Bicycle Master Plan. The Hayward Bicycle Master Plan sets forth detailed goals and objectives and identifies existing and recommended facilities for providing the opportunity to travel by bicycle as an alternative mode of transportation and recreation for physical, environmental and social benefits. With its location in the central Alameda County, bikeways in Hayward are also a key part of the countywide and regional bikeway network. The construction of a comprehensive citywide bikeway network, support facilities such as convenient and secure bicycle parking, and an educated driving public will help facilitate increased bicycling.
M-6.1: Bikeway System:
The City shall maintain and implement the Hayward Bicycle Master Plan.
M-6.2: Encourage Bicycle Use:
The City shall encourage bicycle use in all neighborhoods, especially where short trips are most common.
M-6.3: Appropriate Bikeway Facilities:
The City shall provide bikeway facilities that are appropriate to the street classifications and type, traffic volume, and speed on all right-of-ways.
M-6.4: Bicycles on Transit:
The City shall encourage AC Transit and BART to expand access to cyclists, including providing bike racks on buses and trains and secure bicycle parking at transit stations and stops.
M-6.5: Connections between New Development & Bikeways:
The City shall ensure that new commercial and residential development projects provide frequent and direct connections to the nearest bikeways and do not interfere with existing and proposed bicycle facilities.
M-6.6: Bike Safety for Children:
The City shall support infrastructure and programs that encourage children to bike safely to school.
M-6.7: Conversion of Underused Facilities:
The City shall convert underused rights-of-way along travel lanes, drainage canals, and railroad corridors to bikeways wherever desirable and financially feasible.
M-6.8: Bicycle Wayfinding:
The City shall encourage bicycling by providing wayfinding and signage that directs bicyclists to bike routes and to civic places, cultural amenities, and visitor and recreational destinations.
Goal M-7: Improve coordination among public agencies and transit providers to meet public transit needs and provide greater mobility.
Hayward is served by a number of transit services providing viable transit options to residents and visitors through a network of local, regional and intercity bus services, paratransit services, and rapid transit and regional rail services These services are provided by a number of public and private transportation agencies and companies including Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Amtrak, and Greyhound Lines. Public transportation facilities are planned, funded, installed and maintained under an integrated regulatory framework that includes Federal, State, and local funding sources that contribute to capital and operational costs.
Policies in this section support coordination with public transit providers to meet Hayward’s local transit needs. Since the city relies primarily on other transit providers, including AC Transit for bus service and BART and Amtrak for commuter rail services, coordination is an essential part of the City’s strategy to identify and serve the transit needs of the community. The City contributes to the creation of a robust transit system by ensuring adequate transit-support facilities are provided as appropriate.
M-7.1: Transit System:
The City shall support a connected transit system by improving connections between transit stops/stations and roadways, bikeways, and pedestrian facilities.
M-7.2: Agency Coordination:
The City shall coordinate with AC Transit, BART, Amtrak and other transit providers to meet the travel needs of Hayward residents, students, visitors, and businesses.
M-7.3: Transit Service Expansion:
The City shall collaborate with BART and AC Transit to expand short- and long-term opportunities to expand services (e.g., extend rapid bus service from Bayfair to the South Hayward BART Station), pursue a hydrogen fueling station for both buses and personal vehicle use, and improve transit stations by expanding amenities at stations.
M-7.4: Transit Links:
The City shall encourage improved transit links from the BART and Amtrak stations to major activity centers within the city (e.g., Downtown, the Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor, Southland Mall, Chabot College, and California State University East Bay).
M-7.5: Transit Links:
The City shall work with transit providers to identify transit needs and develop options for providing expanded service to underserved areas in the city.
M-7.6: Safe System:
The City shall work with AC Transit, BART, and Amtrak to maintain a safe, clean, comfortable, and rider-friendly waiting environment at all transit stops within the city.
M-7.7: Transit Information:
The City shall work with AC Transit to coordinate routes and service times and to post routes and schedules at bus stops.
M-7.8: Service Disruptions:
The City shall advise AC Transit of proposed changes in street networks which may affect bus service.
M-7.9: Development Inpacts on Transit:
The City shall require developers of large projects to identify and address, as feasible, the potential impacts of their projects on AC Transit ridership and bus operations as part of the project review and approval process.
M-7.10: New Facilities:
The City shall work with transit providers to incorporate transit facilities into new private development and City project designs including incorporation of transit infrastructure (i.e., electricity, fiber-optic cable, etc.), alignments for transit route extensions, and new station locations.
M-7.11: Shuttle Service:
The City shall evaluate the need for shuttle service citywide and support public and private efforts and activities to bridge gaps in existing transit service.
M-7.12: Paratransit:
The City shall continue to support paratransit services to meet the transportation and mobility needs of all Hayward residents with special needs.
M-7.13: Taxi Service:
The City shall promote the continued operation of taxi services, including the provision of a dedicated taxi stand at the Downtown Hayward BART Station, on-street loading spaces (where appropriate), incremental improvements in gas mileage, and improved access for passengers with disabilities.
Goal M-8: Encourage transportation demand management strategies and programs to reduce vehicular travel, traffic congestion, and parking demand.
Transportation demand management (TDM) programs include a variety of measures that can be an effective way to reduce vehicle trips and parking demand. TDM programs include a variety of strategies ranging from financial incentives, carpool and vanpools, telecommuting, and informational and promotional activities.
TDM programs are typically implemented at the local level by the City, major employers, developers, and public and private institutions. Regional agencies also provide TDM programs, such as the Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) funded by the Alameda CTC, and the, which provide transit information and rideshare matching.
Policies in this section focus on TDM strategies and programs that the City can implement to reduce congestion, vehicle miles traveled, and parking demand. For a primarily urban, built-out city where opportunities to widen intersections and roadways to accommodate future growth are limited, TDM strategies and programs provide another option to address the transportation needs of residents, visitors, and employees.
M-8.1: Increase Vehicle Occupancy:
The City shall work with a broad range of agencies (e.g., Metropolitan Transportation Commission, BAAQMD, AC Transit, Caltrans) to encourage and support programs that increase vehicle occupancy including the provision of traveler information, shuttles, preferential parking for carpools/vanpools, transit pass subsidies, and other methods.
M-8.2: Citywide TDM Plan:
The City shall maintain and implement a citywide Travel Demand Management Program, which provides a menu of strategies and programs for developers and employers to reduce single-occupant vehicle travel in the city.
M-8.3: Employer-based Strategies:
The City shall encourage employers to participate in TDM programs (e.g., guaranteed ride home, subsidized transit passes, carpool and vanpool programs) and to participate in or create Transportation Management Associations to reduce parking needs and vehicular travel.
M-8.4: Automobile Commute Trip Reduction:
The City shall encourage employers to provide transit subsidies, bicycle facilities, alternative work schedules, ridesharing, telecommuting and work-at-home programs, employee education, and preferential parking for carpools/vanpools.
M-8.5: Commuter Benefits Programs:
The City shall assist businesses in developing and implementing commuter benefits programs (e.g., offers to provide discounted or subsidized transit passes, emergency ride home programs, participation in commuter rideshare programs, parking cash-out or parking pricing programs, or tax credits for bike commuters).
M-8.6: Car/Bike Sharing Programs:
The City shall assist businesses in developing and implementing car and bike sharing programs, and shall encourage large employers (e.g., colleges, Hayward Unified School District (HUSD)) and the BART stations to host car and bike sharing programs available to the public.
M-8.7: Public-Private Transportation Partnerships:
The City shall encourage public-private transportation partnerships (e.g., car sharing companies) to establish programs and operations within the city to reduce single-occupant vehicle use.
M-8.8: Regional TDM Program:
The City shall implement the Alameda County Transportation Commission Travel Demand Management Element of the Congestion Management Program, which includes a checklist covering specific TDM strategies that the city could employ as part of its own TDM plan (e.g., preferential parking, car/van pools, casual car pools, subsidized transit passes).
M-8.9: City Facility Locations:
When making decisions about where to rent or build new City facilities, the City shall give preference to locations that are accessible to an existing public transit line or ensure that public transit links (e.g. bus lines) are extended to the new locations.
Goal M-9: Provide and manage a balanced approach to parking that meets economic development and sustainability goals.
Hayward residents and visitors generally want to have parking readily available on their neighborhood streets, at commercial centers, and at transit stations. On-street parking is provided on most roadways in both residential and commercial areas of the city. The majority of the on-street parking is currently free and unrestricted even though the City’s Traffic Code allows for metered parking.
The City does own and maintain public parking facilities in the downtown area. Parking in these facilities is free to the public. In additional, as part of a Joint Powers Agreement with BART, parking along Tennyson Road and Dixon Street adjacent to the South Hayward BART station is paid parking. Detailed parking requirements are included in the City’s Parking Ordinance.
Policies in this section support the provision and management of parking, recognizing that parking provision should be balanced with other City objectives such as encouraging transit uses, bicycling, and walking, as well as reduction in emissions.
M-9.1: Appropriate Parking:
The City shall ensure that adequate parking is provided appropriately to all areas of the city, while prioritizing alternative transportation modes and Transportation Demand Management strategies that reduce parking demand.
M-9.2: Parking Reductions:
The City shall consider reduced parking requirements for projects located near public transit, or new residential developments that fulfill senior, disabled, or other special housing needs.
M-9.3: Parking Off-Sets:
The City shall encourage developers and employers to offer programs (e.g., transit passes or other transit enhancements) to reduce parking demand and shall consider reducing parking requirements where programs are in place or planned.
M-9.4: Parking Management:
The City shall continue to coordinate with other public and institutional parking suppliers (e.g., BART, Chabot College, and Cal State University, East Bay) to provide sufficient parking, and to implement parking charges and preferential parking programs (e.g. designated parking spaces for carpool/vanpool, electric vehicle, and carshare closer to building entrances.), and shall work with such agencies to minimize the impacts of their parking policies on adjacent residential streets.
M-9.5: Identify Parking Deficiencies and Conflicts:
The City shall monitor parking supply and use to identify deficiencies or conflicts as they develop, particularly for public parking areas Downtown.
M-9.6: Reduction of Parking Areas:
The City shall strive to reduce the amount of land devoted to parking through such measures as development of parking structures, the application of shared parking, and the implementation of Transportation Demand Management strategies to reduce parking needs.
M-9.7: Residential Permit Parking:
The City shall maintain and implement the Residential Permit Parking Program to minimize the adverse effects of spillover parking into residential areas.
M-9.8: Downtown Parking:
The City shall maintain and implement a Downtown Parking Management Plan that considers consolidation and expansion of downtown parking with multi-level parking structures and other options to address Downtown parking needs.
M-9.9: Alternate Fuel Vehicle Parking:
The City shall require new private parking lots to grant low-carbon vehicles access to preferred parking spaces, and shall require new private parking lots to provide electric vehicle charging facilities. The City shall provide electric vehicle charging facilities in public parking lots.
M-9.10: Unbundled Multifamily Parking:
The City shall encourage multifamily development projects to separate (i.e., unbundle) the cost of parking from lease or rent payments.
M-9.11: Multifamily Charging Stations:
The City shall consider requiring electric vehicle charging stations in new multifamily development projects.
Goal M-10: Develop the airport to meet projected airside and landside facilities needs and improve the overall efficiency of operations as a reliever airport.
The Hayward Executive is owned and operated by the City of Hayward. It is a reliever airport serving smaller jets and general aviation operations.
The function of a reliever airport is to reduce the aircraft mix at a commercial service primary airport and provide less congested airport for smaller jet and general aviation operations. The Master Plan (2002) for the Hayward Executive lays out the future development of the airport to meet projected airside and landside facilities needs and improve the airport’s overall efficiency of operation.
Policies in this section support general aviation while encouraging compatibility with adjacent properties.
Policies related to airport compatibility and safety and aircraft noise are provided in the Hazards Element.
M-10.1: Airport Master Plan:
The City shall maintain and implement the Master Plan and the Layout Plan.
M-10.2: Airport Land use Conpatibility:
The City shall ensure uses surrounding the Hayward Executive are compatible with existing and planned airport operations and comply with all applicable federal statutes (including 49 U.S.C. 47107), federal regulations (including 14 Code of Federal Regulations 77 et seq.), the FAA’s Compliance Manual, FAA Advisory Circulars and other forms of written guidance, and State law, with respect to criteria related to land use safety and airspace protection.
Goal M-11: Balance the safe and efficient movement of goods with local access and circulation needs.
Goods movement in Hayward is provided primarily by trucks using Interstate and State highways to deliver goods from the port of Oakland to city residences and businesses. The City has a designated truck route system made up of freeways, state routes and other major streets within the city roadway network.
The trucking system is supplemented by railroad networks and aviation facilities. Union Pacific (UP) has three rail lines that run through the city. The UP‘s Coast subdivision (Mulford Line) runs between the Bay and Interstate 880 through the entire length of Hayward serving freight as well as the Amtrak Coast Starlight long distance passenger train. The City’s Hayward Executive Airport provides air freight service.
Policies in this section support the movement of goods via trucks, rail, and air transportation to promote economic vitality, while addressing impacts of rail and truck operations on residential neighborhoods.
M-11.1: Goods Movement:
The City shall provide a efficient transportation system for the movement of goods and services through and within Hayward, while meeting the safety and mobility needs of all roadway users.
M-11.2: Designated Truck Routes:
The City shall require trucks to use designated routes and shall prohibit trucks on local streets to address traffic operations and safety concerns in residential neighborhoods.
M-11.3: Truck Parking in Neighborhoods:
The City shall prohibit overnight and other specified truck parking activities in residential areas.
M-11.4: Rail Crossings:
The City shall coordinate with the California Public Utilities Commission to address safety concerns and conflicts at at-grade rail crossings.
Goal M-12: Maintain sufficient funding to provide for existing and future transportation facility and service needs, including the operation and maintenance of the transportation system.
Policies in this section support the identification and pursuit of sufficient funds to construct, maintain, manage, and operate a multimodal transportation system. Transportation funding sources include federal funds with the passage of MAP-21 as well as state, regional, and local funds.
M-12.1: Federal and State Funding:
The City shall identify, develop, and prioritize transportation projects to compete for Federal and State funds for freeway, highway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian improvements.
M-12.2: Regional Funding:
The City shall continue to seek funding through regional and county measures for transportation improvements.
M-12.3: Local Funding Mechanisms:
The City shall continue to use local financing mechanisms, such as Measure B, gas tax and the Vehicle Registration Fee, to help fund transportation projects.
M-12.4: Fundingfor Alternate Modes:
The City shall identify and pursue all available funding for alternative modes of transportation.