EDL-3: Cradle-to-Career Strategic Plan and Annual Report

Cradle-to-Career Strategic Plan and Annual Report. The City shall coordinate with the Hayward Local Agency Committee, local businesses, community organizations, Chabot College, and California State University, East Bay to develop a Cradle-to-Career Strategic Plan.  The City shall submit an annual report to the City Council that evaluates the implementation of the Cradle-to-Career Strategic Plan.  [Source: New Program; City Staff] (MPSP/PSR/JP/IGC) 

Goals Implemented: EDL-1.1, EDL-1.2, EDL-1.3, EDL-1.6, EDL-2.3, EDL-2.4, EDL-2.5, EDL-2.6, EDL-2.7, EDL-2.9, EDL-2.10, EDL-4.4, EDL-4.5, EDL-4.6, EDL-4.10, EDL-5.1, EDL-5.2, EDL-5.4, EDL-5.6  
Responsible Department(s): Library
Funding Sources: General Fund, Grants
Start Date: 7/01/2014
End Date: 12/31/2040


Education & Lifelong Learning Element Implementation Programs