Dremel 3D45 3-D Printer

A 3-D printer which takes a digital file and prints a three dimensional object out of PLA filament.

Photo of Dremel 3D45 3-D Printer


The Dremel 3D45 is a 3-D printer which takes a digital file and prints a three dimensional object out of PLA filament. The maximum build volume of the 3-D printer is 10” x 6” x 6.7” (254mm x 154mm x 170mm). The 3D45 Printer has a nozzle of 0.4 mm, a layer maximum resolution of 0.05mm and a layer minimum resolution of 0.3mm.  

Reservation time: 2 hours

Make a Reservation


We provide

  • Safety training
  • Filament
  • A laptop with internet access and Dremel Digilab 3D Slicer installed 

You must bring

  • A file ready to print

Required Forms and Tutorials

Before you use the Dremel 3D Printer for the first time, you must complete:

Software and File Creation

Free files to print are available at Thingiverse.

To create your own files to 3-D print, any program which creates in .STL format will work. Options include:

To print an .STL file we need to use a slicing program, which converts the 3-D model into instructions for the 3-D Printer (gcode). For this machine we use the Dremel Digilab 3-D slicer. This program is available to use in the Makerspace, but we recommend that you test out the slicer on your design first at home to get an estimate of the size and resolution you will be able to print in 2 hours. The more you prepare in advance the more print time you have for your appointment. 

Acceptable Materials

The Makerspace has PLA in a variety of colors. We can’t guarantee stock of a specific color. To request a specific color, please email hpl.makerspace@hayward-ca.gov after placing your online reservation request, and we will do our best to provide it. 

Contact the Makerspace(510) 583-2108 | Email