Personal Security

By taking a few simple precautions, you can reduce the risk to yourself, and also discourage those who commit crime.
A women wearing a face mask waiting alone at a bus stop

Follow these tips that can help you avoid becoming a victim of a crime when you are out and about or at work.

Be prepared:

  • Always be alert and aware of the people around you.
  • Educate yourself concerning prevention tactics.
  • Be aware of locations and situations which would make you vulnerable to crime, such as alleys and dark parking lots.

Precautions when walking:

  • Be alert to your surroundings and the people around you—especially if you are alone or it is dark.
  • Whenever possible, travel with a friend.
  • Stay in well-lit areas as much as possible.
  • Walk close to the curb. Avoid doorways, bushes and alleys where someone could hide.
  • Walk confidently and at a steady pace.
  • Make eye contact with people when walking.
  • Do not respond to conversation from strangers on the street—continue walking.
  • If you carry a purse, hold it securely between your arm and body.

Car safety:

  • Always lock car doors after entering or leaving your car.
  • Park in well-lit areas.
  • Have your car keys in your hand so you don’t have to linger before entering your car.
  • Check the back seat before entering your car.
  • If you think you are being followed, drive to a public place.
  • If your car breaks down, open the hood and attach a white cloth to the car antenna. If someone stops to help, stay in your locked car, roll down the window a little, and ask them to call a tow service.
  • Don’t stop to aid motorists stopped on the side of the road. Call to request help for them.

Waiting for public transportation:

  • Avoid isolated bus stops, areas on train platforms etc.
  • Stand away from the curb until the bus/taxi/rideshare arrives.
  • Don’t open your purse or wallet while boarding the bus or stepping into the train station. Have your pass or money already in your hand.
  • Don’t invite trouble—keep gold chains and jewelry out of sight; turn your rings around so the stones don’t show.
  • Secure or hold your phone, laptop, or purse tightly when waiting on a platform or near train car doors while on trains, especially as doors open.

On board the bus/train:

  • During off hours, sit as close to the bus driver or train conductor as possible.
  • Stay alert—and be aware of the people around you.
  • If someone bothers you, change seats and/or tell the driver or call the BART Police dispatch center (510) 464-7000.

Additional BART Passanger Safety Tips

Office security:

  • Never leave your purse or billfold in plain view or in the pocket of a jacket hanging on a door.
  • Personal property should be marked with your Driver’s License number (preceded with the letters “CA”).
  • Don’t leave cash or valuables at the office.
  • If you work alone or before/after normal business hours, keep the office doors locked.
  • If you work late, try to find another worker or a security guard to walk out with you.
  • If you are in an elevator with another person, stand near the control panel. If you are attacked, press the alarm and as many of the control buttons as possible.
  • Be alert for pickpockets on crowded elevators.
  • Report all suspicious persons and activities to the proper authorities (office manager, building security, law enforcement).
  • Be aware of escape routes for emergencies, and post the phone numbers for police or sheriff and fire departments. Call 911 if the situation is life-threatening.

If a crime does occur, report it:

Everyone should consider it his/her responsibility to report crime. Many criminals target favorite areas and have predictable methods of operation. When you report all the facts about a crime, it helps the police assign officers in the places where crimes are occurring or where they are most likely to occur.

At lease one out of two crimes in the United States goes unreported, either because people don’t think lawenforcement can do anything about it, or because people don’t want to get involved. If you don’t report crime, thecriminal can continue to operate without interference.

In many cases, it is the information provided by victims and witnesses that leads to the arrest of a criminal. So tell the police as much as you can; no fact is too trivial. The police need the eyes and ears of the public.

File a Police Report Online

For more information about crime prevention, contact our District Offices staff:

Sergeant Zach Fay
Sergeant Zach Fay
North District Office
22701 Main Street
Hayward, CA 94541
(510) 293-7114