Let’s House Hayward! Strategic plan to reduce homelessness

The City of Hayward has long identified homelessness and housing affordability as a key issues in the community and has supported local efforts to address these issues in conjunction with the larger regional efforts, as evidenced by the City’s recently approved Hayward Strategic Roadmap. One of the City’s six priority areas for the next three years is to Preserve, Protect, and Produce Housing for All. Within this priority are ten different projects to holistically address affordable housing and homelessness in the City, including the creation of the “Let’s House Hayward!” homelessness reduction strategic plan.

Like other jurisdictions across the nation and world, the City of Hayward is responding to COVID-19 and the short and long-term fiscal and economic implications of the global pandemic. With drastic increases in unemployment, State, regional and local financial resources have diminished considerably and the potential for increased rates of housing instability and homelessness is high.

The Let’s House Hayward! Plan will use an empowerment approach,include best practices, and align with the EveryOne Home Strategic plan as well as other relevant Alameda County framework and plans

As a nationally recognized expert on homelessness with extensive technical assistance and facilitation experience, Homebase is supporting the Hayward Community Services Division in the drafting of the City’s homelessness reduction strategic plan.

Hayward City Council adopted the final Let's House Hayward! Strategic Plan on July 13, 2021. Click here to view the full plan.

For additional information, questions, or concerns, please contact: Community Services Division at (510) 583-4250 or communityservices@hayward-ca.gov

Project Timeline:


Approximate Date(s)

Issue RFP June 3, 2020
Selection of FirmSeptember 2020
Conduct Assessment of Existing System and ServicesSeptember 2020 - October 2020
Stakeholder Engagement/ InputSeptember 2020 – January 2021
 Synthesis and Draft Plan DevelopmentJanuary 2021 - April 2021
Finalize the Plan and Plan Approval July 2021

Project Documents:

July 13, 2021 City Council
Adoption of the final Let's House Hayward! Strategic Plan
June 3, 2021 Homelessness-Housing Task Force
Update on implementation strategy and federal homelessness expenditure recommendations for the Let's House Hayward Strategic Plan
Apr. 20, 2021 City Council
Update on planning process, vision, goals, and priority projects for the Let's House Hayward Strategic Plan
Dec. 16, 2020 Community Services Commission
Update on City of Hayward Homelessness Efforts Including Soliciting Input to Inform the Development of the Homelessness Reduction Strategic Plan
Dec. 3, 2020 Homelessness-Housing Task Force
Update on City of Hayward Homelessness Efforts Including Soliciting Input to Inform the Development of the Homelessness Reduction Strategic Plan
Sept. 22, 2020 City Council
Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Homebase to Prepare a Five-Year City of Hayward Homelessness Reduction Strategic Plan

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