Hayward Safe Community Conversations
As of October 25, we have heard from 754 community members. This map shows the responses from the 481 community members who consented to have their data shared anonymously on the website. You can view responses by racial/ethnic categories, age categories, and gender.
Hayward People's Budget Sectors
The sectors match census tract boundaries. We understand there are multiple neighborhoods in each sector. Community participants and voters decided how best to allocate the funding to build community in the neighborhoods throughout their sector. The budgeted amounts are based on each sector's population and mean per capita income.
Affordable Housing Dashboard
The Affordable Housing Dashboard is a tool to provide a comprehensive look at affordable housing development within the City of Hayward. The dashboard allows community members to review summary and specific information about upcoming affordable housing developments in a visual way, including affordability levels, geographic locations around the City, City investment and more.
To use: Click on a bar chart, pie graph, or location on the map to change the information presented on the dashboard. Click on the map to find out more information about a specific project. To unfilter, just click your same selection again.

Hayward Opportunity Zone Investment Guide
A new tool for providing tax incentives for reinvestment of capital gains, Opportunity Zones have the potential to be a major catalyst for community and economic development. Discover Hayward’s Opportunity Zones and the potential for growth in the City.

2022 Defensible Space Demonstration Project Location
Funding awarded to the City of Hayward allowed us to prepare for and implement a large-scale defensible space demonstration project. The location the Hayward Fire Department has selected is an area along the Hayward Plunge Trail at the start of Memorial Park. Please view our education workshops and three-part video series to learn more about the demonstration project site and how to participate in keeping your home fire safe.
Truck Routes
Questions? Contact: If you have any questions, please contact the Traffic Bureau at (510) 293-7099 or email HPDTransPermit@hayward-ca.gov

Vehicle Miles Traveled
Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is a measure used extensively in transportation planning for a variety of purposes. It measures the amount of travel for all vehicles in a geographic region over a given period of time, typically a one-year period. It is calculated as the sum of the number of miles traveled by each vehicle. Use this map to visualize several VMT scenarios throughout the City of Hayward.

See when, where and what types of crimes are committed throughout the city of Hayward with our crime mapping application. Information shown is for the past 180 days and is updated one time each day. The map is not all inclusive, but simply a representation of crime. [more]
Tennyson Thrives Community Map
Tennyson Thrives is a collaboration between community members, City staff, and the Chabot College Student Initiative Center to create and implement a dynamic Vision Plan for the neighborhoods along the Tennyson Corridor.

Pavement Moratorium and Street Paving History
View our map detailing the history of street paving. See what streets are currently under moratorium and check the pavement work done by fiscal year.
Hayward Community Food Distribution Map
While developing our Food Action Plan, we partnered with Chabot College and California State University - East Bay to host 18 Food Action Plan college interns who worked with partners to gather data about current existing food distribution sites throughout the City of Hayward and the surrounding areas. This interactive map was created using the data that was collected.
To explore our community food distribution map and filter the distribution sites by open hours and other features, click on the blue map button below.

Aerial Photos — Historoscope
The Historoscope is our aerial photo comparison tool. Browse around and investigate how the City of Hayward has changed through the years.
Fire Hydrant Flow Test Reports
We regularly perform fire hydrant flow tests throughout the City to provide estimates of water system flow and pressure, also known as fire flow data. This data may be required for development projects, fire suppression system designs, and irrigation system designs.

Cannabis Land Use
The Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), California Proposition 64, provides for large-scale cultivation, manufacturing, distribution and sale of cannabis for adult recreational use. Use the app or pdfs below to find the allowable locations in Hayward for cannabis businesses.

Airport Safety Zones
The Airport Safety Zones are used in the Airport Approach Zoning Ordinance. The law is to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Hayward by preventing the creation or establishment of airport hazards, thereby protecting the lives and property of the users of the Hayward Air Terminal and of the occupants of the land in its vicinity, and preventing destruction or impairment of the utility of the airport and the public investment therein.
Hayward Parcel Explorer
A parcel is a piece or unit of land meant to be owned by one or more person(s) or another legal entity such as a company, corporation, organization, government or trust. Explore where there are potential vacant parcels, and which parcels the City of Hayward owns.

Hayward Streets Explorer
The Hayward Streets layer has more than just names and addresses. Take a look at some of the other attributes that we track in our GIS street layer.

Sea Level Rise
These maps were created as part of the Adapting to Rising Tides project of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission.

Bicycle Network (Routes, Paths, Lanes)
The Hayward Bicycle Route System includes multiple types of bicycling infrastructure, including off-road paths (Class I), bicycle lanes (Class II), and low-traffic roads (Class III). View the data in a web map, or download the data from our open data portal to create your own application.

Executive Airport Site Map
Hayward Executive Airport meets the travel needs of local private pilots and their passengers, and we welcome visitors from around the country. This vibrant general aviation airport is home to over 400 aircraft including business jets, and it provides over 300 jobs and $300 million in annual economic benefits to the community.