Climate Action Plan
Hayward is taking action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and minimize the impacts of climate change. Through the development and implementation of this Climate Action Plan (CAP), Hayward will enhance the community’s wellbeing and continue taking actions intended to limit the impacts of climate change. The following is a high-level executive summary of GHG emissions levels, projected GHG emissions levels, established emissions targets, and GHG reduction measures for Hayward to achieve the City’s adopted targets.
Hayward Current GHG Emissions Inventory
The 2019 Community GHG Emissions Inventory for Hayward indicates that total community GHG emissions were 684,399 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (MT CO2e). Figure ES-1 shows the share of total emissions for each sector of the community.
Figure ES-1: Hayward GHG Emissions by Sector for 2019
Hayward Projected GHG Emissions Forecasts
Future Hayward GHG emissions levels are projected based on the 2019 GHG emissions, job growth, and estimated population growth trends. Enacted State policies and legislation that will take effect in the future and will reduce the expected emissions and are incorporated into the projections. Hayward’s future emissions are projected to be 642,486 MT CO2e (or 3.84 MT CO2e/person) in 2030 and 620,134 MT CO2e (or 3.36 MT CO2e/person) in 2045. Forecasted emissions by community sector for both the 2030 and 2045 target years are shown in Figure ES-2.
Figure ES-2: Hayward Forecasted GHG Emissions by Sector for 2019, 2030, and 2045
Hayward GHG Emissions Targets
As of 2019, Hayward has reduced GHG emissions beyond the City’s 2020 GHG reduction target of 20 percent below their 2005 GHG emissions levels, thereby exceeding the State’s goal established by AB 32. In support of State and international climate goals, Hayward has adopted the following targets using the 2005 GHG inventory as the baseline:
- Reduce GHG emissions by 20 percent below 2005 levels by 2020 (equivalent to 1990 GHG emissions)
- Reduce GHG emissions by 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2025
- Reduce GHG emissions by 55 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 (equivalent to 40 percent below 1990 GHG emissions)1
- Work with the community to develop a plan that may result in the reduction of community- based GHG emissions to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.
In alignment with State recommendations to use efficiency metrics (MT CO2e per capita) for local targets to account for population growth, the following targets have also been developed for Hayward’s future GHG emissions in this CAP: 3.12 MT CO2e per person by 2030 and 0 MT CO2e per person by 2045. The corresponding GHG emissions target pathway over the coming decades is illustrated in Figure ES-3. Together, the measures and actions in the CAP Update provide Hayward with the GHG reductions necessary to achieve Hayward’s 2030 climate action target as shown in Table ES-1 and Figure ES-3. The 2045 GHG emissions reductions quantified for their longer-term measures are not yet enough to meet the City’s 2045 climate action target of carbon neutrality. This CAP strives to institute equitable and resilient systems and make substantial progress towards eventual carbon neutrality. Further updates to the Hayward CAP beyond 2030 will also delineate new technologies, legislation, and additional measures and actions that Hayward will implement to close the remaining gap to achieve the carbon neutrality target.
Figure ES-3: Per Capita Emissions Compared to Forecast Scenario and Target Pathway
Table ES-1 2030 and 2045 Emissions Levels Compared to Targets
Business-as-usual Forecast | 4.47 | 4.36 |
Adjusted Forecast | 3.84 | 3.36 |
Reductions from Full Implementation of Measures | 0.73 | 2.36 |
GHG Emissions after Measure Reductions | 3.11 | 1.01 |
Climate Action Targets | 3.12 | 0.00 |
Target Anticipated to be Met? | Yes | Substantial progress demonstrated |
Hayward CAP Measures to be Implemented by 2030
Through full implementation of the suite of measures included in this CAP, Hayward will achieve its 2030 target of 3.12 MT CO2e per person. In addition to new technologies and State legislation, new measures will likely be required as part of future CAP updates to attain the longer-term goal of carbon neutrality by 2045. Each measure is supported by a set of actions that will help to achieve the full benefits of that measure. The measures and actions are supported by substantial evidence and have been designed using principles called key pillars that support changes that are robust, effective, and inclusive. Key pillars include structural change, feasibility studies, funding, equity, education, and partnerships. The measures and actions have been reviewed and co-developed by the community throughout the CAP process (Table ES-2).
Table ES-2: CAP GHG Emissions Reduction Measures Overview
BE-1 | Continue the all-electric requirement for new residential construction. Adopt an all-electric requirement for new non-residential construction to take effect by 2026. | • 2030: 5,392 • 2045: 18,761 |
BE-2 | Electrify existing single-family residential buildings in order to achieve 100 therms/person/year by 2030 and 0 therms/person in 2045. | • 2030: 13,872 • 2045: 68,020 |
BE-3 | Decarbonize existing commercial and multi-family buildings in order to achieve 53 therms per service person in 2030 and 0 therms per service person in 2045. | • 2030: 20,667 • 2045: 114,200 |
BE-4 | Support Ava Community Energy in providing 100% carbon-free electricity by 2030. | • 2030: 4,802 • 2045: 0 |
BE-5 | Continue to promote energy efficiency improvement, in alignment with the 2014 Climate Action Plan. | Supportive |
BE-6 | Generate carbon-neutral electricity on City facilities meeting 80% of the municipal operational electricity needs by 2030. | Supportive |
T-1 | Increase active transportation mode share to 15% by 2030 and to 20% by 2045. | • 2030: 6,485 • 2045: 8,755 |
T-2 | Implement public and shared transit programs to increase mode shift to public and shared transit mode to 15% by 2030 and 30% by 2045. | • 2030: 7,585 • 2045: 25,092 |
T-3 | Develop disincentives for driving single passenger vehicles to support the bicycle/pedestrian and public transit mode share goals of Measures T-1 and T-2. | Supportive |
T-4 | Increase passenger zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) adoption to 15% by 2030 and 50% by 2045. | • 2030: 16,014 • 2045: 88,718 |
T-5 | Increase zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) adoption by businesses to 10% by 2030 and 80% by 2045. | • 2030: 3,161 • 2045: 37,461 |
T-6 | Transition 15% of off-road equipment to zero-emission by 2030 and 80% by 2045. | • 2030: 4,312 • 2045: 22,452 |
T-7 | Increase municipal passenger zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) adoption to 75% by 2030 and 100% by 2045 and decarbonize emergency and heavy-duty vehicles as feasible. | Supportive |
SW-1 | Implement and enforce SB 1383 requirements to reduce community-wide landfilled organics by 75% by 2025 and 90% by 2045. | • 2030: 35,925 • 2045: 47,101 |
SW-2 | Increase communitywide overall landfill diversion of waste to 75% by 2030 and 85% by 2045. | Supportive |
WW-1 | Reduce water consumption by 15% by 2030 and maintain it through 2045. | • 2030: 35 • 2045: 0 |
CS-1 | Increase carbon sequestration by planting and maintaining 1,000 new trees annually through 2030 to sequester carbon and create urban shade to reduce heat island effect. | • 2030: 212 • 2045: 743 |
CS-2 | Increase carbon sequestration by applying 0.08 tons of compost per capita annually in the community through 2030 and 2045. | • 2030: 3,081 • 2045: 3,392 |
Total GHG Emissions Reduction | • 2030: 121,543 • 2045: 434,784 | |
Total GHG Emissions Reductions – per capita (MT CO2e/person) | • 2030: 0.73 • 2045: 2.36 | |
Percent Reductions from 1990 Baseline Levels – Per Capita | • 2030: 46% • 2045: 81% |