Earth Day 2025

Join the City of Hayward in celebrating Earth Day in 2025!


Earth Day is an opportunity to reflect on our community’s commitment to sustainability and responsible stewardship of the environment. It is an important chance to recognize outstanding environmental achievements, engage with environmental topics, and commit to making a difference. Each year, the City hosts activities dedicated to celebrating Earth Day and its environmental principles: the Poster and Writing Contest and the Annual Citywide Clean-Up. While Earth Day falls on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, Earth Day Events are scattered around the spring. Please help us celebrate Earth Day by participating and encouraging others to participate!

2025 Poster and Writing Contest

The Poster and Writing Contest invites Hayward students K-12 to create a poster or write a poem/essay about Earth Day and its environmental principles. It gives students an opportunity to draw or write their thoughts on water and energy conservation, renewable energy, sustainable transportation and meals, recycling and composting, a litter-free environment, and environmental justice. See here to download an entry form. Entries are due by March 14, 2025. The winners will be awarded at a City Council meeting in April. 

Full Contest details available here.

Submissions can also be submitted electronically. To turn in your poster, poem, or essay electronically, please go here (English) or here (Spanish)

See the 2024 winning entries here.

Annual Citywide Clean-Up & Community Fair


The Annual Citywide Clean-Up & Community Fair is a litter pick-up event hosted at Weekes Park. Volunteers come together to collect litter and abandoned debris in various neighborhoods throughout the City. After picking up litter, community members will meet back up at Weekes Park and be provided lunch. There will also be a Community Fair with sustainability themed booths hosted by community organizations with fun activities for all.

The Annual Citywide Clean-Up will take place on Saturday, April 26, 2025.

Volunteer Information:

More information about volunteer check in coming soon.

Please be prepared to either bring or fill out a signed waiver upon arrival to allow for a faster check-in. Waivers in English and Spanish can be found below.

In an effort to make the event zero waste, we encourage participants to bring their own water bottles.

Download Volunteer Waivers Below: 

Sign up for a booth

If you are interested in hosting a booth at this year's Community Fair, please contact Ava Samuels at