Council Standing Committees

The Hayward City Council has six standing committees, each comprised of three members of the Hayward City Council. Prior to Council action, standing committees review, consider, and make recommendations on items within their brief.

The Council Appointed Officers Committee (CAOC) reviews and considers recommendations related to the recruitment, hiring, oversight, evaluation, accountability, and termination of the three directly appointed corporate officers: the City Manager, the City Attorney, and the City Clerk.

The Council Budget and Finance Committee  (CBFC)reviews and considers items related to: investment policy, budget updates, and revenue measures.Matters of this nature have a direct impact on the community, and warrant additional consideration before they are presented to the full City Council.

The Council Economic Development Committee (CEDC) advises Council on factors affecting businesses in Hayward and the economic health of the community, including but not limited to business retention, business attraction, business development and design, growth of and activity in the Downtown and other business areas, and other factors affecting economic growth and vitality of Hayward.

The Council Infrastructure & Airport Committee (CIAC) facilitates an in-depth review of the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) plan, the unfunded needs and the eventual development of a policy framework for Council consideration during the budget development process. As on Jan. 29, 2019 the CIC will also review emerging technologies, consider technological infrastructure initiatives and provide guidance on issues involving information technology.

The Council Homelessness-Housing Task Force was established for a two-year period beginning in March 2019 through March 2021 to evaluate the efficacy and workload related to establishing it as a permanent Council Standing Committee and to meet on a quarterly basis during this period.

The Council Public Safety Committee (PSC) established as a permanent body in December 12, 2023, is intended to enhance transparency and awareness around public safety maters within the Hayward community. The Committee undertakes the responsibility of reviewing and evaluating items related to public safety, in partnership with the Fire and Police Departments, that prioritize the safety, security and well-being of Hayward residents.

The Council Sustainability Committee (CSC) established by the City Council on September 25, 2007, reviews and considers policy recommendations related to: alternative energy generation and conservation, including commercial and residential types of energy sources and uses; green building policies for new developments; programs to generally improve green building renovation throughout the City; and productive steps to reduce global warning on the local level.