
The City of Hayward is working with former Russell City residents and their descendants to explore appropriate reparative responses to the forced relocation of Russell City residents from their homes and businesses. Learn more about the Russell City Reparative Justice Project ➜

About the Steering Committee:

Community members selected 11 committee members and two alternates to serve as representatives of the Russell City Community. The goals of the Steering Committee is to: 

  • Serve as representatives of the Russell City Community in communications between the City of Hayward and the larger Russell City community 
  • Make decisions for the Russell City community 
  • Maintain communication of any developments and decisions to the Russell City community 

Agenda Topics:

During this meeting, we will provide important updates on the ongoing research process led by the Steering Committee. Additionally, we are honored to have Dr. Marcus Anthony Hunter, a renowned subject matter expert in the field of reparations policy implementation, as our guest speaker. Dr. Hunter serves as a Professor in the Department of African American Studies and the Department of Sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles. He will present a comprehensive framework for reparations, offering valuable insights to guide the advocacy process of the Russell City Reparative Justice Project Steering Committee. To learn more about Dr. Hunter, please visit his full bio at this link:

You can also explore his work on Radical Reparations by visiting this webpage:

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Please note: Meeting recordiings and materials will be posted to the project web page document archive within 72 business hours. 
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777 B Street
Via Zoom webinar platform
Hayward, CA 94541