Transportation Permits - for commercial vehicles

Updated: Dec. 5, 2023

Section 35701 VC of the California Vehicle Code allows local authorities to prohibit the use of a street by any commercial vehicle except for public utility vehicles or any commercial vehicle on a direct route from an unrestricted street for the purposes of making pickups or deliveries.

The City of Hayward provides transportation permits for qualified loads and vehicles to operate safely on the roadways to/from and through our jurisdiction.

In March 2017, the Hayward City Council passed an ordinance amending its Transportation Permit Conditions, Procedures and related permit forms. The City's Transportation Permit Conditions and Procedures have been updated to closely reflect current Caltrans Conditions and Procedures. Permits are issued for the movement of an "Extralegal Load" as defined in the California Vehicle Code Section 320.5 VC.

Transportation permit applications may be received from the applicant either in person, via email, fax or first class mail. The City’s goal is to provide a same day service; however; there is a 3-working day maximum for single trip permits and a 14-working day maximum for all other permits.

All applications are checked for accuracy, complication and to verify that the applicant meets all insurance requirements as described in the Hayward Municipal Code Section 6-13.05/LIABILITY.

Single Trip Permits:

A single trip permit is valid for a laden and unladen round-trip. The application is checked for height, length, weight, overhang and width specifications, and requested route on application. If the application falls within the following criteria, then the vehicle is deemed acceptable for a single trip permit.

  1. WIDTH - Maximum width is 14’ unless authorized by Public Works or a representative of the City of Hayward. Up to 8’6” is considered legal and anything wider than 12’ requires a pilot car. A pilot car may be required for widths greater than 10’ as determined by Public Works or a representative of the City of Hayward.

  2. LENGTH -  Maximum length is 135’ unless authorized by Public Works or a representative of the City of Hayward. Up to 40’ from kingpin to last axle for double axle is considered legal (combination vehicle length is 65’) and anything longer than 40’ should be specified on the application. Anything longer than 120’ requires a pilot car.

  3. HEIGHT - Maximum height is 17’ unless authorized by Public Works or a representative of the City of Hayward whereupon a written route review is required by applicant. Up to 14’ is considered legal and anything taller requires asurvey.

  4. OVERHANG - Maximum rear overhang is 35’ and maximum front overhang is 30’.  A pilot car is required for overhang of 25’ or greater.

  5. WEIGHT - The Caltrans Weight Chart should be used as guidelines for allowable weight given axle spacing.  The following are general maximums:

Single Axle:
Up to 20,000 lbs for a single axle (22,500 lbs for 2-axle tow truck) is considered legal. No single axle shall exceed 30,000 lbs.
Tandem Axle:
46,725 lbs with 4’-6” axle spacing
58,406 lbs with 4’-6” axle spacing, 10’ width, 16 tires.
60,000 lbs with a minimum 5’-9” axle spacing, 10’ width, 16 tires.
The maximum allowable axle spacing for a tandem axle on a conventional 40’ flatbed trailer is 8’-0”.
51,450 lbs with 9’-0” axle spacing
52,500 lbs with 10’-0” axle spacing
  1. AUTHORIZED ROUTE - Public Works or a representative of the City of Hayward shall determine the authorized route. The authorized route shall designate a specific route comprised of existing truck routes as much as possible to access the destination. When varying from the truck route, the recommended route shall be along major roadways. 

The published Truck Route Map should be used as a guide for allowable routes other than truck routes. 

  1. COST - The cost for a single trip permit is $16. The permit will not be issued without receipt of the approved permit fee or previously approved monthly billing and payment plan with the City of Hayward

Repetitive Permits:

Repetitive permits are available for hauling non-reducible loads along a specific route to a specific destination for an unlimited number of trips. An additional permit may be required for return trips if the unladen vehicle is over-sized. Repetitive permits are valid for 90 days and are not available for variance loads.

  1. WIDTH -Maximum width is 12'

  2. LENGTH - Maximum length is 90'

  3. HEIGHT - Maximum height is 14’6”

  4. ORIGINAL REQUIRED - The permittee must carry the original permit, with all required attachments, in the permitted vehicle. The original permit shall be stamped with the following:

The stamps shall be in BOLD font and RED INK
  1. COST - The cost for a repetitive permit is $90. The permit will not be issued without receipt of the approved permit fee or previously approved monthly billing and payment plan with the City of Hayward.

Annual Permits:

Generally, if the applicant can provide an annual permit granted by the State of California, the City will also consider issuing an annual permit. A copy of the State annual permit must be submitted when applying for an annual permit. All information on the State of California Annual Permit and the City of Hayward Permit must be identical and the State Permit number must be entered on the City of Hayward’s Annual Permit.

The general guidelines for an annual permit are as follows:

  1. WIDTH - Vehicle width shall be legal width (8’6”) and a maximum of 10’ to include additional width of 8 tires per axle (i.e. tires will extend beyond trailer width). The loaded width is 12’ maximum.

  2. LENGTH - Kingpin to rear-axle (if tandem axle) maximum is 40’.  The total maximum vehicle length is 65’, with an allowable legal overhang. Auxiliary dollies or jeep combinations are not allowed in an annual permit. The maximum number of axles allowed is 6 axles. Pilot car is required for an overhang of 25’ or greater.

  3. HEIGHT - Maximum height is 14' which is legal.

  4. UNLADEN PERMIT - An unladen permit is valid for trips without loads. The maximum unladen permit is as follows:

Length: 125'

Vehicle Width: 11' 

Weight: All axles legal, gross weight not to exceed 110,000 lbs.

  1. AUTHORIZED ROUTE - The authorized route shall designate a specific route whenever possible. However, travel is permitted on all designated truck routes within the City of Hayward. Travel OFF the designated truck routes requires an additional Single Trip Permit.

  2. ORIGIINAL REQUIRED - The original Annual Permit is mailed (not faxed) to the permittee. The permittee must carry the original permit, with all required attachments, in the permitted vehicle. The original permit shall be stamped with the following:

The stamps shall be in BOLD font and in RED INK
In the "For City Use Only" area, it shall state:
"Travel permitted on all designated truck routes within the City of Hayward. Travel OFF the designated truck routes requires as additional Single Trip Permit" 
  1. COST - The cost for an Annual Permit is $90. The permit will not be issued without receipt of the approved permit fee or previously approved monthly billing and payment plan with the City of Hayward.

Permits will not be processed on the following Traffic Bureau Office closure dates:

New Year's DayMartin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday
Lincoln's BirthdayWashington's Birthday
Memorial DayIndependence Day
Labor DayVeterans Day
Thanksgiving DayDay after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
Questions? Contact: If you have any questions, please contact the Traffic Bureau at (510) 293-7099 or email

Annual Use Permit Application Single Use Permit Application

Is this available in the e-Permit Portal: