Council Strategic Vision

As part of Hayward's Fiscal Year 2025 Strategic Roadmap, City Council created a vision statement. The vision statement answers the question, what are we trying to achieve with this and future Roadmaps?

Summary Vision Statement

The City of Hayward is a place where people want to be. It has a growing economy, good housing options, cradle-to-career educational opportunities, an inviting downtown, and vibrant neighborhoods across the city. Its diverse and inclusive community is well supported with robust city services and is kept healthy and safe through innovative programs. It is a regional leader in addressing the housing & homelessness crises. It is also a leader in climate resilience and environmental justice to prepare residents to face the impacts of climate change. City staff have what they need to thrive in their work and take pride in helping Hayward continually improve.

Expanded Vision Statement

In the future, Hayward continues to grow in population and stature, becoming a destination city in the East Bay. Existing residents are proud to call Hayward home, and it is becoming a community of choice for new families and employers. Hayward attracts new, higher-paying jobs, allowing existing and new residents to live and work in the same community. Hayward’s attractive downtown and neighborhood business corridors draw people from across the region, featuring unique and locally-owned restaurants, music
and art, attractive retail, outdoor dining, and inviting public spaces.

Diverse families live in healthy, inclusive ‘complete communities’ with stable housing, safe streets, excellent schools, cultural attractions, and community services. The city celebrates its diversity openly with cultural events, and protects that diversity with its commitment to equitable development. Hayward leads by developing important service partnerships between local and regional agencies.

Families are proud to live in an ‘education city,’ where the city actively supports them in taking advantage of the many local educational opportunities available. All residents know they will have a pathway from ‘cradle to career’ in Hayward.

Hayward has started construction of thousands of new housing units at all income levels. To reduce displacement of existing residents, the City is especially focused on making housing accessible and affordable to all, with new high density developments located near transit. The few who are unhoused are able to access the services necessary to thrive. Because demand is high, blighted properties throughout the city are re-developed and occupied.

Hayward continues to be a leader in climate resilience and environmental justice, reducing its carbon footprint, improving its sustainable practices, increasing green spaces, and preparing residents to face the impacts of climate change. Clean, leafy and landscaped corridors are more walkable and bikeable. Hayward and its neighboring cities have prioritized active transportation and multi-modal corridors over a reliance on cars and roads. As a result, the City sees less traffic, less pollution, and less speeding.

Through innovative programs, Hayward has also aligned public safety with community expectations for effectiveness, response times, and engagement, leading to an overall
reduction in harm, improved mental health, and better relationships within Hayward’s diverse community.

Internally, employees feel city-wide priorities are aligned to their work and are able to grow and thrive in their roles. Employees from diverse backgrounds are recruited, retained and celebrated, and staff provide culturally informed services to our community. The City continues to develop innovative revenue sources and maintains a well-staffed and well-resourced workforce. The City is streamlining processes, using technology more effectively, and improving cross-department collaboration to provide better customer service.

Overall, there is a rising sense of pride among employees and residents alike. While there is much more to do, the City of Hayward is a place where people want to be.