Russell City Document Center

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The articles in this section were curated by the research team at the University of San Francisco. Subsequently, City staff utilized Artificial Intelligence tools to transcribe and summarize these articles. Original articles are available for download on each page. If you encounter any discrepancies in the summaries or transcriptions, please reach out to our Digital Applications Developer at:

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Oakland Tribune, Dec. 12, 1954


The Alameda County Board of Supervisors has made a start in the fight to end smog before our fair precinct becomes a northern Los Angeles. The Supervisors ordered the Oakland Scavenger Company to burn only ship's garbage at their Davis St. dump and then only between 3 and 6 a.m. No burning will be allowed at the Russell City dump. All other garbage must be covered with a six-inch layer of dirt. Residents to windward of the dumps also voted a hearty "Yea".

Oakland Tribune, Mar. 28, 1956


Includes reference to sending the permit application for Russell City wrecking yard to Planning Commission because of opposal by Russell City Community Service District.

Oakland Tribune, Oct. 27, 1956


The writer, a recent resident from Virginia, expresses dismay at the litter and trash along California highways and local areas. They mention refusing homes in San Lorenzo due to cleanliness concerns and being appalled by the mess on Russell City Road. They seek ways to encourage a cleanup.

Oakland Tribune, Jan. 17, 1957


A 14-member panel of national experts from the Urban Land Institute will conduct an on-site study of Alameda County. They will inspect all existing and potential industrial areas in the county, traveling over 150 miles by chartered bus for firsthand observations. Led by Walter S. Schmidt, the panel aims to address 34 questions posed by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, seeking recommendations for accelerated industrial development. The study seeks practical solutions for financing projects while keeping taxes in check. Glenn McHugh...

Oakland Tribune, Mar. 6, 1957


The report also scores living conditions at Russell City and suggests condemnation of that area in Eden Township, with relocation of its residents.

Oakland Tribune, Mar. 13, 1957


Hayward expressed willingness to cooperate in mutual aid fire protection from its Harder Road station for Russell City, and will study protection of certain unincorporated areas under board control.

Oakland Tribune, Dec. 20, 1957


List of actions of Alameda County Board of Supervisors: Granted Frank Lucchesi a variance to permit him to cover the face of his Russell City Road dump once every 12 days instead of once every seven days as the health department had requested. Lucchest formerly was permitted to seal off the face with dirt once every 15 days The permit is good for a year.

Oakland Tribune, Dec. 30, 1957


The 1957 Alameda County Grand Jury has called for a comprehensive investigation into the financial operations and administration of the County School Department. They recommend an audit of the school department's accounting methods and procedures, as well as a review of school operations. The grand jury suggests that the county superintendent of schools should be appointed by the elected County Board of Education instead of being elected directly. Additionally, they propose that the Board of Supervisors contract with an adjacent school...

Daily Review, Aug. 21, 1959


Incorporation of Mt. Eden and Russell City "would deny its residents the benefit of thousands of dollars in sewer, street, and water improvements to be put in by Hayward. Part of the proposed construction is within city limits, so it's difficult to estimate just how much would be lost in the unincorporated area. But the total of all improvements is $1,481,480." City says they would junk their plans if area incorporated. Assuming industrial development, the city put in water lines along Clawiter Rd, and sewer line from treatment plant to W....

Oakland Tribune, May 26, 1960


The Alameda County Board of Zoning Adjustments abandoned a 10-year policy and approved a use permit for a wrecking yard in Russell City. The permit was granted to Abraham Knowles for a property on W. Winton Ave. The board had previously refused any development in Russell City for a decade due to slum conditions. Russell City has been labeled the county's worst slum by grand juries, leading to recommendations for its clearance and redevelopment with industry. The freeze on new construction and development in the area had been imposed by the...