Linear Park

Project Overview

In May 2022, construction began on the approximately one-mile stretch of Linear Park along the eastern side of Mission Boulevard, roughly from Blanch Street to Fairway Street. The project included reshaping flat landscapareas to echo the East Bay Hills, planting trees and native plants, using recycled concrete to expand pathways, adding seating using reclaimed wood and upcycled materials, and adding artwork to crosswalks, among a number of other improvements. Construction was substantially completed in fall 2022.

Upcoming Events

There are no new meetings at this time. 

Project Design Timeline

Phase 1: Data Collection & Field Surveys [August - September 2020]

In Phase 1, predesign work will begin and the City will host its first Linear Park Community Vision Meeting. The input gathered by the community during this meeting will be used to generate the conceptual design.

Phase 2: Conceptual Design & Public Meetings [October - December 2020]

Conceptual design work will begin based on input from the community and the Council Infrastructure Committee (CIC). At the end of this phase, the City will host a second community meeting to review the designs developed and to seek additional feedback.

Phase 3: Design Development [December 2020 - March 2021]

Feedback garnered during the second community meeting will be incorporated in the design development and, based on direction from the CIC, a design will be selected.

Phase 4: Plans, Specifications, & Estimates [April - September 2021]

A final round of input was sought from the community and the CIC on the design. At the end of this phase, the final design, specifications, and cost estimates were assembled.

Bidding Phase: Project Advertisement, Bid Opening and Award [October 2021 – March 2022]

Construction documents were completed in October and the City Council approved the documents for advertisement in November. Bids were received in December but all bids were rejected. The project was re-advertised in January, and new bids were received in February. In March, the City Council approved award of contract to Los Loza, Inc.

Construction Phase:

Construction started in May 2022 was completed March of 2023.

Project Documents:

October 23, 2019 Council Infrastructure Committee Meeting

September 25, 2020 Linear Park Community Vision Meeting

December 10, 2020 Linear Park Community Vision Meeting

April 28, 2021 Coucil Infrastructure Committee Meeting

June 23, 2021 Linear Park Community Vision Meeting


Comments or questions about the project? Give us a call or send us an email.

(510) 583-2128 |