Jackson Street Signal Upgrade

A blue sky with scattered clouds and a traffic signal. Next to a sign that reads: Jackson Street Signal Upgrade & Your Tax Dollars at Work

The City of Hayward will upgrade traffic signals at five intersections on Jackson Street. These improvements, including new controllers, SCATS, and video detection systems, will enhance traffic flow.


The City of Hayward secured $531,000 for this project through a cooperative agreement with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The total project cost is estimated at $809,302, covering $622,540 for construction, a $62,254 contingency, and $124,508 for administration, inspection, and testing.

Traffic Signal locations: 

Map of Jackson Street showing the locations of the signal upgrades


Google Map Link

Jackson Street at Amador Street & Cypress AvenueLocation
Jackson Street at Soto RoadLocation
Jackson Street at Grand StreetLocation
Grand Street at Winton AvenueLocation
Jackson Street at Meek Avenue & Silva AvenueLocation

Project Timeline:

Work will begin on July 1, 2024 and is estimated to last three (3) weeks. During this time there will be lane closures signal outages. Community members and commuters are advised to plan for traffic delays all along Jackson Street.

Questions? Comments:

Contact: Kevin Yoshiki, Assistant Civil Engineer, kevin.yoshiki@hayward-ca.gov | (510) 583-4760

Historical Documents: 

Jun. 20, 2023 — City Council Meeting

Adopt a Resolution Rejecting the Bid from Nema Construction and Awarding a Construction Contract to Ray's Electric for the Traffic Signal Upgrade at Jackson Street Project, Project No. 05270 in the Amount of $622,540 in Addition to Approving $62,254 in Administrative Construction Contingency.

Apr. 11, 2023 — City Council Meeting

Adopt a Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids for Traffic Signal Modification on Jackson Street as Part of the Route 238 Corridor Improvement Phase 2 Project No. 05270