Traffic Calming Toolbox
Creates narrowed roadways to slow vehicle speeds
Suitable for:
Residential streets
Collector streets
Not Suitable for:
Arterial streets
A portable speed feedback sign setup on-street to alert drivers to vehicle speeds
Suitable for:
- School zones
- Residential streets
- Collector streets
- Locations with speeding concerns
- High pedestrian activity areas
Not suitable for:
- Intersections
- Significant roadway curvature
Speed legends are used to inform drivers of the current speed limit
Suitable for:
- Residential streets
- Collector streets
Not suitable for:
- Arterial streets
Improves awareness to speed limits, pedestrian crossings, and other potential hazards
Suitable for:
- School zones
- Residential streets
- Collector streets
- Locations with speeding concerns
- High pedestrial activity areas
- Significant roadway curvature
Not suitable for:
- Intersections
Provide tactile feedback to drivers moving across travel lanes or approaching intersections
Suitable for:
- School zones
- Residential streets
- Collector streets
- T-intersections
Not Suitable for:
- Arterial streets
Ladder markings and defined crosswalk widths heighten awareness of pedestrian crossings
Suitable for:
- School zones
- Residential streets
- Collector streets
- Arterial streets
- Mid-block crossings
- Intersection crosswalks
- High pedestrian activity areas
Not Suitable for:
- Low pedestrian volume locations
Can effectively reduce speeding and inappropriate driving
Suitable for:
- Residential streets
- Collector streets
- Locations with speeding concerns
Not Suitable for:
- N/A
Permanently installed to alert drivers of their speeds versus posted limits
Suitable for:
- School zones
- Residential streets
- Collector streets
- Arterial streets
- Locations with speeding concerns
- High pedestrian activity areas
Not Suitable for:
- Intersections
- Significant roadway curvature
Warn drivers of pedestrians at an uncontrolled crossing
Suitable for:
- School Zones
- Mixed-use areas
- Residential streets
- Collector streets
Not Suitable for:
- N/A
Reduces the number of travel lanes to accommodate other modes and slow vehicle speeds
Suitable for:
- Collector streets
- Downtown areas
- High pedestrian activity area
- High bicycle traffic
- Locations with speeding concerns
Not Suitable for:
- Narrow roadways
Narrows travel lanes to slow vehicle speed and increases parking supply
Suitable for:
- Downtown areas
- Commercial areas
- Mixed-Use areas
- Residential streets
- Collector streets
Not Suitable for:
- Arterial streets
A community-driven program focusing on raising awareness to speed reduction in the neighborhoods
Suitable for:
- Downtown streets
- Residential streets
- Collector streets
- High pedestrian activity areas
Not Suitable for:
- Low pedestrian activity areas
Curb-extensions that slow vehicle speeds with the impression of a narrowed roadway
Suitable for:
- Downtown streets
- Residential streets
- Collector streets
- Arterial streets
- High pedestrian activity areas
- Long pedestrian crossing distances
Not Suitable for:
- Low pedestrian activity areas
- Narrow streets
- High truck volumes
Function similarly to bulbouts but at mid-block locations
Suitable for:
- Wide streets
- High cut-through volumes
Not Suitable for:
- Emergency access routes
- High on-street parking demand
- High bicycle volumes
Concrete medians that define travel lanes and secure pedestrian right-of-way
Suitable for:
- Wide residential streets
- Collector streets
- Mid-block crossings
- Long crossing distances
- High pedestrian activity areas
- Locations with speeding concerns
Not Suitable for:
- Narrow roadways
Require drivers to slowly maneuver through an intersection
Suitable for:
- Residential streets
- Collector streets
- Locations with speeding concerns
- High accident rate
Not Suitable for:
- Horizontal curvature
- Vertical curvature
Require drivers to slowly maneuver through an intersection operating with yield control
Suitable for:
- Collector streets
- Arterial streets
- Locations with speeding concerns
- High accident rate
Not Suitable for:
- Horizontal curvature
- Vertical curvature
Force drivers to make slight maneuvers, resulting in slower vehicle speeds
Suitable for:
- Residential streets
- Collector streets
- Arterial Streets
- Locations with speeding concerns
Not Suitable for:
- High vehicle volumes
Functions similarly to lateral shifts and require less roadway re-configurations
Suitable for:
- Wide residential streets
- Wide Collector streets
Not Suitable for:
- Arterial streets
- Emergency access routes
- High on-street parking demand
- High bicycle traffic
Slow driver speeds with vertical roadway deflections
Suitable for:
- Residential streets
- Persistent speeding
- High cut-through volumes
Not Suitable for:
- Collector streets
- Arterial streets
Slow driver speeds with vertical deflections and emphasis of pedestrian right-of-way
Suitable for:
- School zones
- Residential streets
- Mid-block crossings
- High pedestrian activity areas
Not Suitable for:
- Arterial streets
- Intersections
Slow drivers speed by emphasizing a “shared zone” with pedestrians and bicyclists
Suitable for:
- School zones
- Residential streets
- Mid-block crossings
- High pedestrian activity areas
Not Suitable for:
- Arterial streets
- Intersections
Reduce traffic entering neighborhoods by permanently detouring certain routes
Suitable for:
- Residential streets
- Locations with speeding concerns
- Limited access desired
Not Suitable for:
- Arterial streets
- Collector streets if significant traffic
- diversion anticipated
Reduce traffic entering neighborhoods by permanently restricting one direction of traffic
Suitable for:
- Residential streets
- Locations with speeding concerns
- Limited access desired
Not Suitable for:
- Arterial streets
- Collector streets if significant traffic diversion anticipated
Reduce traffic entering neighborhoods by permanently restricting vehicular access
Suitable for:
- Residential streets
- Locations with speeding concerns
- Limited access desired
Not Suitable for:
- Arterial streets
- Collector streets if significant traffic diversion anticipated
Raised concrete islands separate turning traffic from through traffic when approaching an intersection
Suitable for:
- Residential streets
- Collector streets
- Locations with speeding concerns
- Limited access desired
Not Suitable for:
- N/A