WPCF Nutrient Management & Phase II Improvements

Pictured above is the Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF, formerly WPCF), which treats an average of 11 million gallons of wastewater per day. The WRRF will soon undergo significant improvements to enhance the quality of the wastewater discharged into the San Francisco Bay. 

Project Overview

The City is upgrading its wastewater treatment processes to limit the discharge of nutrients to the Bay in compliance with upcoming regulatory requirements. The improvements will also accommodate future increased flows as Hayward’s population increases. 

The Bay, like all bodies of water, is comprised of nutrients that must remain balanced to maintain the health of the ecosystem. In recent years, however, certain nutrients like nitrogen have reached excessive levels, prompting concern about environmentally-harmful events like algae blooms. The City anticipates that upcoming regulations from the Regional Water Quality Control Board will require removal of 50% of nutrients by the year 2034. The City has begun design of improvements to comply with these upcoming regulations that will enhance the treatment process and further protect the Bay. 

The Exhibit below highlights major proposed improvements.


The Exhibit below highlights the future view of the administration building from Whitesell Street.

Estimated Project Timeline

Preliminary Design Phase: Summer 2022 to Spring 2024

Final Design Phase: Spring 2024 to Late 2025

Construction Phase, Administration Building: Early 2025 to Early 2027

Construction Phase, Phase II Improvements Fall 2025 to Early 2030

Project Budget

Construction of the improvements is currently estimated to cost $190 to $360 million. The total project cost is estimated to be between $394 and $594 million. More details about the budget are included in the Adopted FY 2025-2034 Capital Improvement Program (CIP).

Project Documents

July 5, 2022 City Council Report