Recycled Water Rates

On June 20, 2023, the Hayward City Council approved adjustments to its water rates, sewer rates, and recycled water rates effective October 1, 2023 and October 1, 2024.

In 2022, the City of Hayward began providing recycled water for irrigation of parks, schools, roadway medians, and landscaped areas around commercial and industrial buildings. Learn more about the recycled water project here.

What do recycled water rates pay for?

Recycled water rates are established to pay for the costs of treatment and delivery of recycled water to customers and are determined through an assessment of revenue requirements and anticipated recycled water purchase volumes. The bimonthly recycled water bills would consist of two parts: 1) the fixed service fee, which pays for services that do not vary with the volume of recycled water purchased, such as meter maintenance; and 2) the recycled water usage fee, which pays for costs associated with water consumption, such as the pipeline maintenance and energy related expenses.

How have Recycled Water Rates changed?

The recycled water rate is comprised of a uniform rate schedule for all recycled water customers, which will increase by 31% in FY 2024 and 10% for FY 2025. The adopted rate would result in a minimum 23% reduction and a maximum 40% compared to irrigation potable water usage rate.

Recycled Water Usage Rates:



Rate/CCF 10/01/2023

Rate/CCF 10/01/2024

Uniformed Tier$5.16$6.76$7.44

Recycled water service fees, which are based on meter size, pay for the fixed costs associated with providing service, such as billing, customer service, debt service obligations, meter service, and repairs. The fees do not vary with the quantity of water purchased. The recycled water service fees are the same as the adopted bimonthly service charges for potable water.

Bimonthly Recycled Water Service Fees:

Meter Size


Effective 10/01/2023

effective 10/01/2024

1 1/2"$144.31$147.58$162.34
2"$254.00$231.68 $254.85
4"$1,269.80$890.41 $979.46
10"$3,734.80  $5,894.00$6,483.40

Who can I contact if I have questions about the recycled water rates?

For more information, call Utilities Billing at (510) 583-4600 or email