Report an illegal residential fence

Neighbor fences are not required. Construction and maintenance of a fence is between the adjoining property owners. Generally, fences six or less feet in height can be placed on your property line without any minimum setback however, there are some restrictions as identified below and identified throughout the Hayward Municipal Code that residents must adhere to when constructing fences. these restrictions include but are not limited to:

  • Fences, hedges, and walls shall be limited to a height of 4 feet in any portion of a front or side street yard, and to a height of 6 feet in any side or rear yard.
  • Where a lot is situated at the intersection of two or more streets, fences, hedges and walls shall not be erected, placed, planted, or allowed to grow in such a manner as to obstruct intersection visibility, as contained in Ordinance Hayward Traffic Code, Sections 9.01 through 9.05
  • The use of anodized gray chain-link fencing which is visible to the public is discouraged; barb or razor wire or similar fences is prohibited.
  • Building permits are required for fence and wall systems constructed over 7ft in height.

The Code Enforcement Division works in partnership with the community to ensure all properties throughout the City are kept in good condition and in compliance with adopted laws and zoning regulations. Community conditions are primarily regulated through the City's Community Preservation and Improvement Ordinance: Hayward Municipal Code 5.7.00 as well as the City Municipal Code.

If you are concerned about a property condition such as illegal residential fences, contact Code Enforcement at 510.583.4143.

You can also make a Residential Fence service request below: