Steering Committee

Learn more about the nominations & election of the Steering Committee members →
Steering Committee Responsibilities:
- Serve as representatives of the Russell City Community in communications between the City of Hayward and the larger Russell City community
- Make decisions for the Russell City community
- Maintain communication of any developments and decisions to the Russell City community
Committee Roles:
Voting Members: The Steering Committee comprises 13 elected voting members chosen by former Russell City community members and their descendants. These representatives serve to liaise with the City, making decisions through voting on crucial community matters.
Alternates: Steering Committee Alternates participate in committee meetings and contribute to discussions alongside voting members. However, they do not have the authority to vote on community matters unless multiple voting members are absent, and their presence is required to establish a quorum for decision-making.
Chair: Provides leadership to the Russell City Reparative Justice Project Steering Committee. Plans and facilitates steering committee meetings. Serves as a liaison to the City of Hayward staff and stakeholders. Represents steering committee and speaks on behalf of the group.
Vice Chair: Exercises the duties of the Russell City Reparative Justice Project Steering Committee Chair when they are unable to attend. Supports the Chair in leading the Reparative Justice Project Steering Committee, including planning and facilitating steering committee meetings. Serves as a liaison to the City of Hayward staff.
Parliamentarian: Advises the Russell City Reparative Justice Project Steering Committee on matters related to parliamentary procedure (i.e. Proposing and approving motions). Ensures that agreed upon Russell City Reparative Justice Project Steering Committee rules and decision-making procedures are followed appropriately.
Treasurer: Provides administrative and fiscal oversight of Russell City Reparative Justice Project Steering Committee funds, budget, and expenditures. Prepares financial reports, as needed.
Steering Committee Members: | |
Aisha Knowles Committee Chair | Elizabeth Sanchez Committee Vice Chair |
Deborah Harris Committee Treasurer | Michael V. Johnson Committee Parliamentarian |
Priscilla Figueroa Committee Member | Carolyn "C.J." Johnson Committee Member |
Marian Johnson Committee Member | Michael D. Johnson Committee Member |
Aiyana Knowles Committee Member | Gloria Moore Committee Member |
Francesca Thomas Committee Member | Cindy Torres Committee Member |
Toni Wynn Committee Member | |
Velda Goe Alternate Committee Member | Cathy Rodriguez Alternate Committee Member |
Attend a public Steering Committee meeting:
Join us at one of our meetings. All meetings will be held virtually via the Zoom webinar platform from 6 - 8 p.m. unless otherwise noted below. Be sure to sign up for our e-mailing list to recieve meeting reminders and agendas. Click the links below for meeting details, Zoom links and to download the information to your personal calendar.