Patrick Avenue Safety Improvements Project

Patrick Avenue Street Sign next to a project sign that reads: Patrick Avenue Safety Improvements and Your Tax Dollars at Work

Construction Update:

Oct. 28, 2021: The Hayward Transportation Division will begin construction on the design approved by City Council. Please expect delays and plan accordingly. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter. 

Project Overview:

The Patrick Avenue Safety Improvements Project spans .6 miles of Patrick Avenue between Tennyson and Schafer roads. 

The project—along with similar improvements on Huntwood Avenue between Tennyson and Industrial Parkway—demonstrates a cost-effective approach to creating complete streets that are safer for all users without sacrificing neighborhood parking and efficient traffic flow.

It will be implemented at no additional cost to the City, as it is part of the larger Fiscal Year 2020 Pavement Improvement Project

Redesign Concept:

Project Phases:

  1. The introduction of separated north- and south-bound bicycle lanes and preservation of parallel parking through the elimination of one lane of traffic and roadway repaving and restriping.
  2. Green painting of bike lanes and installation of safe-hit plastic delineator posts and rapid-flashing beacons at intersections without traffic signals and mid-block crosswalks to increase driver awareness of bicyclists and pedestrians.

Questions? Comments:

Patrick Avenue Safety Improvements Project team: (510) 583-2123 or

Historical Documents:

Oct. 12, 2021 — City Council Meeting

Patrick Avenue Safety Project: Adopt a Resolution Approving Proposed Changes to the Patrick Ave Safety Improvement Project

July 28, 2021 — Council Infrastructure Meeting

Recommend Council Approval of Proposed Changes to Patrick Ave Safety Improvement Project

Feb. 22, 2021 — Community Meeting

The Hayward Transportation Division held an online public meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 22, to introduce and receive feedback on the planned completion of bicycle and pedestrian roadway improvements along Patrick Avenue in South Hayward. 

Jan. 26, 2021 — City Council Meeting

Adopted a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Accept a $75,000 Grant for Patrick Avenue Improvements Phase 2 and Execute a Funding Agreement with the Alameda County Transportation Commission from the COVID-19 Rapid Response Bicycle/Pedestrian Grant Program

Oct. 6, 2020 — City Council Meeting

Huntwood and Patrick Avenues Complete Streets: Adopted a Resolution Approving Complete Streets Improvements

Sept. 29, 2020 — City Council Meeting

2020 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan: Adopted a Resolution Accepting the Hayward 2020 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan