Delinquency Prevention Network (DPN) Counseling Program

The central mission of YFSB’s DPN Counseling Program is to keep kids “out of the system” who don’t really need to be there through strengthening families and reducing the risk factors associated with delinquent behavior.

YFSB counselors work with youth already on formal probation, as well as with youth demonstrating the early signs and risk factors for delinquency. The DPN Counseling Program provides crisis intervention, case management, and family counseling for youth demonstrating the following risk factors:

  • Educational Risk Factors: Failing school, low grades, school behavior problems, suspensions, truancy, learning disabilities and/or developmental problems.
  • Mental Health Risk Factors: Drug/alcohol problems, depression, anxiety, emotional difficulties, high risk/self destructive behavior and/or victim of crime, or other mental challenges.
  • Anti-Social Risk Factors: High conflict relational patterns, anti-social behavior, potential for violence and/or gang involvement.
  • Parent-Child Relationship Risk Factors: Beyond parental control, run away or absent from home without consent and/or being “pushed out” of family home.
  • Parent Functioning Risk Factors: Parent/guardian(s) that is overwhelmed with at-risk youth or parenting, parent/guardian(s) that is unresponsive and/or uninvolved.

City of Hayward residents aged 8 to 18 qualify to receive services at no cost to the family. Typically, families are seen for an average of 10 sessions, but the length of services varies based on the needs of the family. YFSB counselors can explain the counseling process and provide more information about what to expect as a YFSB client.

For more information or to make an appointment for DPN Counseling, please contact YFSB. For life threatening emergencies, call 9-1-1.

YFSB Location:
300 W. Winton Ave
Hayward, CA 94544
YFSB Business Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.