Group Wants Facts About Russell City
Daily Review, Jul. 11, 1950
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To bring it all out into the open and find out the "official position" of the Hayward City council, the Eden Council for Civic Unity last night voted to send a letter posing their three questions on Russell City, to the Hayward council.
A similar letter was received recently by the county board of supérvisors, who disputed the county's responsibility in obtaining a water line for Russell City. However, the Eden council has not yet received an official answer to their inquiry.
Chairman Paul Willetts will compose the letter, which will question: is it possible to say when the new water main to Russell City will be completed? What authorities have jurisdictlon for issueing building permits in Russell City? Is there a reason for the refusal of such building permits in Russell City at this time.
The Eden council has earlier stressed that the specifications of the water line to the airport were increased from six to 12 inches so Russell City would be able to connect a line. It is also claimed that the county presented the City of Hayward with funds as their "share" in the Winton road waterline.
Chairman Willetts announced sewage from Russell City will have to be pumped out as surveyor's maps show that the area lies on a low area that will not allow for free flowing drainage.
The Eden council decided to continue probing for information on a proposed low rent project for Russell City. Mrs. Mary Harrington was appointed to secure a case history on the building of such a project in an unincorporated area from the Public Housing authority.
A letter from the State Federation for Civic Unity asking the local group to obtain endorsement by organizations of the Fair Employment Practice commission was also read last night. The Eden council will attempt to secure statements approving the commission so that it may be considered for adoption into the Republican and Democratic party planks at their conventions.
A plea that more minority groups become represented on the Eden council was expressed by the members, who are determined to
"continue their enthusiasm in order that they may "find a way to carry out our policies."
The next meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on August 14 at the Bret Harte library room.
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