Hayward Joins Mayors National Climate Action Agenda
Mayor Halliday of the City of Hayward has joined the Climate Mayors to express Hayward’s support for adopting the spirit and goals of the Paris Agreement.
The Climate Mayors (aka, Mayors National Climate Action Agenda, or MNCAA) is a network of nearly 200 U.S. mayors representing over 50 million Americans - working together to strengthen local efforts for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and supporting efforts for binding federal and global-level policy making.
The Climate Mayors will intensify efforts to meet each of its member cities’ current climate goals and work together to create a 21st century clean energy economy. “We are disappointed that the federal administration has withdrawn the United States from the Paris Agreement and we fully intend to redouble our efforts to achieve the goals we have set for the City”, said Mayor Halliday.
The City of Hayward completed its first GHG inventory in 2006 and in 2009 adopted its first Climate Action Plan (CAP), which includes aggressive GHG reduction goals consistent with those of the State of California. In 2014, the CAP was incorporated into the General Plan to ensure that our efforts to reduce emissions are coordinated with all City initiatives.
In 2015 and 2016, Hayward received multiple Beacon Awards from the Institute for Local Government for reducing GHG emissions in municipal operations and throughout the community. In 2015, the US Environmental Protection Agency recognized the City of Hayward with a Green Power Award for on-site renewable energy generation. In addition, the Hayward City Council has adopted progressive climate-related policies. For example, in December 2016, Council adopted a goal to achieve by 2025 zero net energy (ZNE) on the City’s portfolio of facilities. That is, by 2025, Hayward will have installed enough renewable energy facilities to produce as much energy as is used throughout all city facilities.
Hayward joined Climate Mayors to mutually strengthen grassroots-level, city-led activity on undertaking climate action by cleaning our energy sources, making of infrastructure efficient and growing our economy through investing in the sectors that enable a climate-compatible future.
For more information, please visit www.climate-mayors.org or contact the City of Hayward at environment@hayward-ca.gov.
Contact: Erik Pearson
Environmental Services Manager
(Phone) 583-4770
(Fax) 583-3610
Download the full press release.