Learn more about each of the teams:


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Hayward Evaluation And Response Teams (HEART) Program

Green HEART program logo

The HEART program is a cross departmental program between Hayward City Manager’s Office, Police, and Fire Departments and Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services developed to improve access to medical, mental health, and other support services.

The HEART program aims to achieve two main goals:

  1. Reduce the need for police officers to intervene in calls for service involving people experiencing chronic mental illness, substance use disorders, and homelessness; and
  2. Reduce reliance on emergency services for individuals needing long-term case management and follow-up services

Learn how to make a referral

HEART Summary and Additional Resources:

HEART Program Response Teams:

  • Hayward Mobile Evaluation Team (HMET)
  • Mobile Integrated Health Unit (MIHU)
  • Case Management & Mental Health Linkages Team (LINK)

Learn more about each of the teams:


Hayward Mobile Evaluation Team (HMET)

Mobile Integrated Health Unit (MIHU)

Case Management & Mental Health Linkages Team (LINK)

Who is on the Team?

HPD District Operations Police Officers & Alameda County Behavioral Health clinicians

HFD Community Paramedics

City Mobile Mental Health Clinicians & a Lead Program Assistant (Case Manager)

What does the Team Respond To?

Calls or referrals that indicate someone is in acute mental health crisis, requests for a 5150/5585 assessment of danger to self or others, and welfare checks.Calls or referrals that indicate someone has a medical need and is homeless and/or experiencing substance use or mental health issues (but not in an active crisis).Calls or referrals for cases that require mental health, social services, and case management and ongoing follow-up and support.

When is the Team Active?

Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Community Referrals:

How can I refer someone to the HEART program?

  • If someone is having an active mental health crisis, call 911. If it is during HMET hours and the team is available, HMET will respond. Either a County clinician or LINK team member will provide connection to follow-up services as appropriate. An active mental health crisis is when someone is at imminent risk of causing harm to themselves or others and/or there is a risk of violence. Someone may also be having an active mental health crisis if they are incapacitated due to their mental illness and unable to carry out the basic tasks required for survival.  Bizarre or eccentric behavior or being unhoused do not meet this criteria, unless it renders the individual helpless to fend for themselves or destroys their ability to meet their basic needs for survival. 
  • If someone appears to be living outside and has a medical issue, call 911. If it is during MIHU hours and the team is available, MIHU will respond. A LINK team member will provide connection to follow-up services as appropriate. Medical issues include visible illness or injury, such as difficulty breathing, nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain, alcohol/drug intoxication or withdrawal, altered level of consciousness, allergic reaction, fever/chills, burns or infection, dehydration, or excessive pain/swelling. 
  • If someone is experiencing a chronic mental health condition without need for immediate public safety response (as described above), anywhere within the City of Hayward, regardless of where they’re living, contact LINK at 510-293-7048 or make an Access Hayward request. Someone from the LINK team will reach out to assess within 24-48 working hours and provide connection to follow-up services as appropriate. You can also contact ACCESS at 1-800-491-9099. ACCESS is the system wide point of contact for information, screening and referrals for mental health and substance use services and treatment for Alameda County residents. Additionally, free compassionate support is available 24/7 for anyone experiencing mental health-related distress by calling/texting the suicide and crisis lifeline at 988.
  • If someone is unsheltered and does not appear to be in need of medical or mental health care, you can call 211, the Alameda Countywide information and referral system, which connects callers with health, housing, and human services in their community and is available 24/7. You can also direct individuals to the Bay Area Community Services (BACS) Housing Resource Center, located at 590 B Street. This center coordinates County and local resources to connect high-needs individuals with resources for housing. Contact the HRC at 510-247-8235 or HaywardHRC@bayareacs.org.
For more information about the City’s response to homelessness visit https://hayward-ca.gov/services/city-services/homeless-response-resource-guide to review the City’s Homeless Response Resource Guide