South Hayward Youth and Family Center
Watch an informational video about The Stack Center
Since 2013, The City of Hayward, Alameda County (County), and Hayward Area Recreation and Parks District (HARD) have worked towards a shared vision of constructing and operating a new center at the corner of Tennyson and Ruus Roads called the South Hayward Youth and Family Center (SHYFC). The project site is on City-owned property and located at 680 West Tennyson Road.
In 2015, the City, County, and HARD formed the SHYFC Governance Group. To date, the Governance Group has identified a portion of the funding for the project, selected a non-profit operator, and conducted a Request for Proposals process to select RossDrulisCusenbery, Inc (RDC) for the design phases of the project. In 2018, La Familia was added to the Governance Group as the selected Lead Operator for the future Center.
Project Timeline
- 2014 - The County Board of Supervisors allocated $9.6 million of one-time residual property tax funds for the SHYFC
- 2015 - SHYFC Governance Group formed, with the City of Hayward, Alameda County, and Hayward Area Recreation and Parks District
- 2015 - The County accepted a $5 million grant from the Kaiser Regional Foundation for the project
- 2017 - The Governance Group identified La Familia Counseling Services and Eden Youth and Family Center as the recommended facility operators
- 2018 - The City executed a facility operator agreement with La Familia and Eden Youth and Family Center
- 2018 - The Governance Group identified RDC as the recommended design consultant
- 2020 - Design Development Completed
City Council Presentations
- March 27, 2018 - Authorization for the City Manager to Execute a Facility Operator Agreement
- January 30, 2018 - Joint Work Session, Project Update
- December 13, 2016 - Joint Work Session, Project Update
- January 26, 2016 - Approval of a revised MOU with the County and HARD