
The future of cycling and walking in Hayward

July 10, 2018

Hayward shoreline Bike and Pedestrian Path

The City of Hayward is updating and seeking public input on its Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.

Initially adopted in 2007, the Master Plan sets goals and objectives for promoting walking and biking in Hayward, and for making the city’s streets, roads and sidewalks friendlier and more accommodating to pedestrians and cyclists.

The update is being carried out over three phases: 

  1. Information gathering (May through July 2018)
  2. Development and public review of initial recommendations (July through December 2018)
  3. Publication and City Council adoption of final plan (January through July 2019)

You can contribute and stay in touch on progress of the plan via email, social media, at upcoming public events and in other ways.  To provide input—including your priority routes on a special project wiki-map—and to receive updates, visit the project page on the city’s website.

Since its inception, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan has guided installation of more than 80 miles of bikeways in Hayward—including seven miles of multi-use trails, 40 miles of on-street bike lanes and 34 miles of shared-lane bicycle routes—plus numerous sidewalk, curb-ramp, and general intersection and lighting improvements.