Information Technology
The mission of the Information Technology Department is to provide access to and support of technology resources, for both information and communication, which is timely, accurate, reliable and secure.
The community of Hayward is a diverse, sunny, convenient place to live and do business, located in both the geographical and figurative “Heart of the Bay;” and with a rich and interesting history. The employees of the City are an amazing and highly productive group dedicated to providing quality and timely services to our residents and businesses. We are always looking for ways to improve and welcome your suggestions on any of our policies, procedures, or priorities. Please check out Access Hayward to leave a comment or suggestion.
Notice of Data Security Incident
The privacy and security of personal information is of the utmost importance to City of Hayward. This notice contains information regarding a data security incident that involved certain protected personal information collected and maintained by City of Hayward. Read the full notice below: