Bike & Pedestrian Master Plan

On September 29, 2020 the Hayward City Council adopted the 2020 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP), which details the City’s plan to establish a network of accessible, safe, and integrated bicycle and pedestrian facilities.

People walking and biking on the bay trail on Hayward's Shoreline

The 2020 BPMP replaces and builds on the City’s original 2007 Bicycle Master Plan with its inclusion of pedestrian-centered facilities and extensive public input. The new plan recommends a total of 153 miles of new bicycle facilities, including 32 miles of multi-use paths for both pedestrians and cyclists.

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Where We're at: Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements To-Date

The City of Hayward has been focused on making bicycle and pedestrian improvements throughout the City since the previous 2007 Bicycle Master Plan was adopted. Below are some key highlights of the work the City has implemented to-date:

Blue Bike Icon


  • Approximately 82 miles of bikeways installed to-date
    - 7 miles of Multi-Use Trails installed
    - 40 miles of on-street Bicycle Lanes installed
    - 34 miles of shared-lane Bicycle Routes installed

Blue walking icon


  • Sidewalk repair and rehabilitation
  • New sidewalk installations
  • Curb ramp upgrades to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards -Citywide
  • Intersection and lighting improvements

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